Yes, I'm going to make my own birthday cake. And yes, they all involve chocolate. And yes, your vote matters because you are my besties. The polls are now open...
I want them all! I made Smitten Kitchen's chocolate stout cake for our first anniversary and it was AH-MAZ-ING. Now you've got me wanting to try this recipe, so that's my vote.
I have made the chocolate mayo cake and its UNBELIEVEABLE!! Siriously Nummy!! I actually thought about sending you a FB message about it, so you could try it yourself ;-) Cocoa Stout looks great too though... tough choice... My 30th is coming up as well, and I will be making Red Velvet cheesecake with cream cheese frosting... Best desert I've ever had!! Hands down! send either myself or Deanna a message and we will happily share the recipe ;-)
Well, from reading your blog I know you enjoy cooking and baking. So yeah, bake your own cake! I'm such a chocolate lover that these all look good to me. But choco/mayo cake? I've never heard of it! I'm trying to imagine the consistency (giant question mark on my face). Enjoy baking your cake Siri!:)
Chocolate Stout!! ...and now I'm hungry...
Choco stout sounds great! However the mayo cake is good too - very moist and rich. My vote is for mayo cake!
I really think anything involving beer wins. Chocolate Stout!
Chocolate Stout all the way!!!
Chocolate Stout please. Thank you very much.
I want them all! I made Smitten Kitchen's chocolate stout cake for our first anniversary and it was AH-MAZ-ING. Now you've got me wanting to try this recipe, so that's my vote.
What is better than chocolate and beer?! Chocolate Stout has my vote.
visually, the mayonnaise one is most appealing, but the mayonnaise concept is not. therefore, i'm going with stout.
Stout! I've been wanting to make this recipe for a while, so I'd love to see how it goes.
I have made the chocolate mayo cake and its UNBELIEVEABLE!! Siriously Nummy!! I actually thought about sending you a FB message about it, so you could try it yourself ;-) Cocoa Stout looks great too though... tough choice... My 30th is coming up as well, and I will be making Red Velvet cheesecake with cream cheese frosting... Best desert I've ever had!! Hands down! send either myself or Deanna a message and we will happily share the recipe ;-)
Chocolate stout with Bailey's icing!
Chocolate stout. Yummy in my tummy!
Chocolate stout looks Franks-like...yuuum, I can see myself on your purple futon with a fork full right now!
Looks so yummy!
The first one, Stout baby!
Chocolate Stout, and we will need a full post of before during and after !!!
Well, from reading your blog I know you enjoy cooking and baking. So yeah, bake your own cake! I'm such a chocolate lover that these all look good to me. But choco/mayo cake? I've never heard of it! I'm trying to imagine the consistency (giant question mark on my face). Enjoy baking your cake Siri!:)
Such a tough choice, but I'd vote for the chocolate stout cake. That sounds divine.
Um, did you think anyone was going to say anything besides the Stout one? Hah! Hope it tastes GOOD. Miss you already.
I want the chocolate angel food cake for your birthday, please. Thank you.
Hannah! Bite your tongue!!
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