

I ate the salad..


I ate it up.  In case you missed it, you can listen here.

See, I really did...    

...and an hour later, I started experiencing contractions.  I'm not even kidding.

...to be continued.

*I had to pick a new winner of the Madhava Gift Basket because I didn't hear from winner #1, so LISA R., you are the new winner!  Please email me (contact info under Find Siri)*


Andrea the Kitchen Witch said...

Good luck Siri!!!

Anonymous said...

i kinda sorta have a girl crush on you because you are fantastic. that being said, good luck and keep us updated! i am on the edge of my seat with anticipation (i really am though. i may fall off!) also, off topic, but almost related, do you still update your Jacks blog? and are you going to do one for the lil' miss?

Eleanor said...

Both of my children were September babies and when I was where you are now....boy...was I over it.
At the end,I went into the hospital one evening with mild contractions and told them I wasn't leaving without the baby in my arms.
They induced me the next morning.

Good Luck!

Eva said...

Ahhhhh, can't wait to hear the news! Keep us posted!

dervla @ The Curator said...

yayy can't wait to hear, cannot believe the salad got it started!

Anonymous said...

Good luck, Siri.

Linda said...

Thinking of you and wishing for a fast delivery.

agalandherdog said...

I'm totally ordering a bottle of this to eat closer to my due date!


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