I haven't been doing much cooking this week because we have so many visitors. Carson's parents, my mama gets here today, tomorrow my dad will be over for dinner... FULL HOUSE = FULL TUMMY. Case in point the other night when Pops (Carson's dad) made his famous pasta. Holy. Can'tBreath. Fullness. I don't know what he does, but it's magical. Doctored up Prego Traditional above, olive oil, LOTS of garlic, and red pepper below...
Carson grilled some meatballs...
...and I fell in love with him all over again.
Pops made mild Italian sausage...
And then there was bread, butter, butter, and salad. I sort of want to make a birthday cake out of all of the above.
Yummm. Sorry I missed THAT dinner :)
Our family saying is: "Panza llena, corazon contento." Which means "Full stomach, happy heart."
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