When I was pregnant w #1, it was citrus. Clementines, strawberries, fruit popsicles with real fruit. #2 had fewer cravings as I had gestational diabetes, but I did try to keep my sugar low enough to have my daily ice cream. In non-pregnant states, I crave really great pizza crust, sweet red curries, and anything with olive oil drizzled on it (like vanilla ice cream and then sprinkle it with salt).
I am currently 26 weeks preggo and cannot get enough citrus! Grapefruit, oranges, orange juice, popsicles, etc. YUM. That photo has pushed me over the edge - I am heading into the kitchen to get one right now!
With my daughter Penelope my craving was chocolate milk 24/7. It could only be made with the Moo chocolate syrup from Trader Joe's. And with my son Kostas it was, are you ready for this ... Taco Bell tacos! Did I ever eat them beforehand? No. Did I want them after birthing him? Never again. So weird, right?!
Oh and there was a point with Penelope where I had terrible morning sickness and couldn't keep anything down except for carrot cake.
I love mexican food and hot sauce and had no side effects from eating it when pregnant, hot cravings....my dad always said the kids were gonna pop out and say "Hola"
I currently AM with child, and have so many!! In no specific order:
- Bagels with cream cheese - Refried beans - Fruit punch vitamin water - Poached eggs (I've eaten a few - guilty) - Red grapes - Clementines - Lemony salad dressing - Pasta - Chocolate chips - Breakfast sandwiches from Dunkin Donuts - Spicy Pho - Olive Garden Soup & Salad & Breadsticks
Although....I always sort of wonder if I use pregnancy as a way to justify my secret everyday cravings for bad food that I'm usually able to successfully repress. Am I just hungrier, and more willing to entertain the possiblity of eating whatever I want? I mean, it's just my pregnant self that wants to go to Olive Garden every night.....not my REAL self, right???
I crave Olives constantly. I buy big bottles of them at Costco and also raid the Olive bar at Whole Foods for my snack on the ride home.
When I was pregnant w #1, it was citrus. Clementines, strawberries, fruit popsicles with real fruit. #2 had fewer cravings as I had gestational diabetes, but I did try to keep my sugar low enough to have my daily ice cream.
In non-pregnant states, I crave really great pizza crust, sweet red curries, and anything with olive oil drizzled on it (like vanilla ice cream and then sprinkle it with salt).
I am currently 26 weeks preggo and cannot get enough citrus! Grapefruit, oranges, orange juice, popsicles, etc. YUM. That photo has pushed me over the edge - I am heading into the kitchen to get one right now!
With my daughter Penelope my craving was chocolate milk 24/7. It could only be made with the Moo chocolate syrup from Trader Joe's. And with my son Kostas it was, are you ready for this ... Taco Bell tacos! Did I ever eat them beforehand? No. Did I want them after birthing him? Never again. So weird, right?!
Oh and there was a point with Penelope where I had terrible morning sickness and couldn't keep anything down except for carrot cake.
I love mexican food and hot sauce and had no side effects from eating it when pregnant, hot cravings....my dad always said the kids were gonna pop out and say "Hola"
I currently AM with child, and have so many!! In no specific order:
- Bagels with cream cheese
- Refried beans
- Fruit punch vitamin water
- Poached eggs (I've eaten a few - guilty)
- Red grapes
- Clementines
- Lemony salad dressing
- Pasta
- Chocolate chips
- Breakfast sandwiches from Dunkin Donuts
- Spicy Pho
- Olive Garden Soup & Salad & Breadsticks
Although....I always sort of wonder if I use pregnancy as a way to justify my secret everyday cravings for bad food that I'm usually able to successfully repress. Am I just hungrier, and more willing to entertain the possiblity of eating whatever I want? I mean, it's just my pregnant self that wants to go to Olive Garden every night.....not my REAL self, right???
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