

Coming Soon...


Hi. I've been MIA. I didn't do much cooking this weekend, but I did my share of eating. I experienced a hangover on Sunday, the first I've had in almost 2 years, which always leads me on a glutenous journey. Yesterday's menu consisted of eggs, bacon, bagels, chips and onion dip, burgers, hot dogs, french fries, cookies and cookie dough ice cream. Healthy!

Here's what's on my to-do list this week...

Chicken and Coconut Milk Curry. Inspired by THIS.

Steak Mole. Inspired by a magical dinner I had this weekend celebrating HER.

Pudding Cookies. Inspired by nothing really. Don't they sound good?? Don't they LOOK good?!

(Photo via HERE)

To be continued...


Virginia said...

Wow! What a coincidence. I had a hangover on Sunday, too. I then went out to eat for both brunch and dinner (dinner menu at www.piccolo.mlps.com/menu.html SO amazing.)

Also, I now both want those cookies and have Kenny Loggins in my head. Thanks! ....I think.


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