

The Chewy + M&M's + Baby

Hello there.  What's new with you?  I had a baby last week.  I had a baby!!

Let's back up a little.  I didn't share with you that I had a false alarm about a week ago in which I spent the day in the hospital surrounded by all those wonderful labor and delivery nurses (seriously, if you are one, you are a saint).  Once I got home (still pregnant and overdue), I decided to make cookies for my NEXT visit to the hospital.  You know, the one that would hopefully send me home with a baby.  I wanted something easy, something familiar.  So I made Alton Brown's The Chewy and used M&M's in place of chocolate chips.  Note: to make them look more professional (thus, yummier), place a few M&M's on top of each cookie right as they come out of the oven.  

So back to having a baby.  I had a baby!!  London Rose Daly was born on August 20th.  She makes little piglet noises and only cries when she's hungry and her older brother and sister fight over who gets to hold her.  We just love her to pieces.  I don't typically share photos of my children on the blog (although you'll often see a chubby helper hand), but if you'd like to see a few... these were shared on the Today Show.  Aaaaaand suddenly I have 3 children!  I will try to get back in the groove of blogging as fast as I humanly can, but for now you can look forward to a few new guest posts.  

Thank you all for the well wishes!  xo       


  1. Well I just found your blog last week and I have been amazingly non-productive at work as I've plowed through your blog posts. So there's that, and then I saw that you were pregnant! And now you have a baby! Congrats, that's so exciting! Looking forward to posts about cooking for baby (and the rest of the family, of course).

  2. Congratulations to your sweet family!

  3. Those photos are unbelievably super cute.

    I'm a midwife working in London and that look on your face and Carson's too is exactly why I LOVE MY JOB.

  4. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Congratulations! It is so nice to see a post from you, and glad everyone is doing well! And these cookies look sooooo good. It's really hot here in Ohio, so as soon as I decide to crank on the oven, I am going to make these :)

  5. Congratulations!! What a beautiful name and beautiful baby. These cookies look fantastic. I loved getting to see some photos of all three babies together!

    PS: You're gorgeous

  6. Anonymous6:26 PM


  7. Yay! So happy for you all!

  8. Anonymous1:09 AM

    Just discovered your blog a couple of weeks ago, and i love it!

  9. Yea !!! I LOVE the pics and video! So cute ! Kisses to all of you .... ENJOY 😘

  10. Thank you for posting during this crazy time! These look yummy!

  11. Scrolling through these pictures makes my mouth water! And ate only half an hour ago! I think I'll go bake some cookies.


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