

Watermelon Three Ways!

Another guest post!  With no baby news, gah :(
The following is written by my friend, Beth: mother of 2 adorable boys, hardest-working Producer at Dr. Phil, spectacular cook and a very special friend to me.  Thank you B... and I hope you all enjoy!

When I think summer, I think watermelon!  (And cocktails, sun, sand, more cocktails...)  
But back to the watermelon.  For my son's last day of preschool in June, I was the assigned "snack mom" and wanted to help get everyone in the summer spirit.  So, rather than buying some Pirates Booty and calling it a day (why can I never make things easy on myself?!?) I bought a 14 pound child, I mean watermelon.

Way #1:
First, I cut the watermelon in big, circular slices, then I cut the slices into preschool size wedges, like a pizza.  I know, this is a hard one!

Way #2:
Next, because I can't resist giving kids sugar in school, I made a watermelon Rice Krispie Treats.  I'm not proud of the fact that I have the recipe memorized, but I do.  So here we go, it's a double recipe you make twice, you'll see... 

Watermelon Rice Krispie Treats
(This recipe is for 2 round cake pans and some leftovers, feeds appox. 20 kids, could be halved!)

2 bags marshmallows (big or mini)
6 T butter
12 cups Rice Krispies
1 pack of green lime Kool-aid
1 pack of red strawberry/cherry Kool-aid
Mini chocolate chips

In a large pan, melt 1 bag of marshmallows with 3 T of butter over medium-low heat.  Once melted, stir in a pack of green lime Kool-aid.  Pour in 6 cups of Rice Krispies and stir.  Take the mixture and make a green rind around the inside of 2 cake pans.  I always put 2 plastic baggies on my hand and spray with butter/oil so I can easily form the treats.  Repeat all steps with 2nd bag of marshmallows, butter and Rice Krispies, but this time add the red Kool-aid.  Fill in the middle of the green rinds with the red mixture.  After they've cooled, add some chocolate chips on top for seeds (I cut my chips in half).  Then cut into wedges!       

Way #3:
When you realize that you have no clue what else to do with the remaining 10 pounds of your watermelon baby, and if you're like me you have zero room in your fridge, do this!!  This "way" is by FAR my new ultimate summer treat, courtesy of an old Bon Appetit magazine I found...

Watermelon Granita
(Makes 6 small servings)

4 cups chopped watermelon, even if it's slightly under or over ripe
Juice from half a lime
1/2 cup sugar

Blend/puree all ingredients in a Vitamix or blender.  Pour in a square brownie/cake pan and put in freezer.  Set alarm and after 1 hour, take a fork and mash up any chunks.  Set alarm again for 2 hours, repeat fork mashing.  The next morning = perfection!


  1. Jennifer benak9:02 AM

    Congratulations on your new baby girl london! I love the name :)

  2. So happy for you and your family! Congratulations on your new baby girl! So fun to see you, Carson and the baby on the TODAY show. You haven't changed a bit since high school, Siri!

  3. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Oh yum! I am going to try this freezer watermelon goodness! Also, I am 13 weeks pregnant and rice krispie treats have been sounding so good... Might have to try these cute ones!

  4. Just read that the baby is here. Congratulations, Mama!!!!


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