

Banana Bars with Brown Butter Icing

Somehow, this morning, in between feeding a baby and getting a 3-year-old to dress himself (which takes longer than you could ever possibly imagine) I found the time to make these.  I forgot to brush my hair, but I made Brown Butter Icing.  My priorities are whacked.  OR ARE THEY.  You make these and tell me what you would rather have in your life... smooth, tangle-free hair or soft, banana bars with nutty, buttery icing.  Yeah, I'm bringing dreadlocks back.  


  1. Mmmmm those look amazing. I'll take tangled hair and these bars any day.

  2. Mmmmm... How did you know I was waiting for you to make these? Oh ya...forget the shower tomorrow morning, I'm making these!!!😀

  3. Ummmmm. Yes. Please!

  4. Those look incredible! Seriously, my mouth is watering!

  5. Good choice, Siri! Banana Bars with Brown Butter Icing take priority over perfectly combed hair =)

    Congratulations on the birth of little Miss Etta. I do admire your stamina of keeping up with blogging and your mommy career.

  6. I just saw these yesterday on Foodgawker! I will definitely be making these with my mushy bananas! :)

  7. Natalie11:42 AM

    Ooo...Just on People Magazine's site, and Carson talked about your Thanksgiving bread. Pictures please.

  8. Stephanie5:01 PM

    Mmmmm! Thank you for sharing! I just made these and they are incredible! So perfect with tea on a cold rainy day!

  9. I just made these, and they are AH-MAZINGG! I'll update when I put up blog post about these delicious banana squares. :D

  10. Okay, the blog post is up! I am seriously in love with this recipe! It makes for the moistest banana dessert ever! I love how dense, yet soft and delicate these bars are. And a nice, substantial chew doesn't hurt either!


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