

Parker House Rolls

As chronicled here and here, I have had many dramatic Thanksgivings, which is why I was very thankful to be a guest this year in someone else's home, eating their wonderful food and contributing just one, simple side.  I made these rolls, and while they were simple they were also delicious.  I was unfamiliar with a Parker House Roll, but according to Wikipedia it's buttery, soft, made with milk, and folded in half.  Key word there: buttery.  Or "boooooooootery" as Paula would say.  And even though she had nothing to do with this dish, she would have been proud, because I brushed these babies with butter like I was basting a turkey with "aaoooowl" (that means oil in Paula's language).  These rolls would make a great side dish any time of year, but they were perfect for sopping up gravy and everything else on my plate this past Thursday.  

I hope you all had wonderful meals as well.      


  1. YUM. I've never made Parker House Rolls but I'm gonna have to get into this idea. They look so cute and smushy!

  2. Parker house rolls are my go to for dinner rolls. Could have something to do with all the butter. Who knows :) They're a persnickity pain to roll up IMHO but oh so good :) Happy HOlidays Siri!

  3. I see these all the time, but have never made them. I made a great corn bread recipe this year, and baked them in my moms antique cast iron corn molds that she had hanging by her fireplace!!!

  4. I literally laughed out loud at two things about your old Thanksgiving posts: the picture of you passed out and then the bag of innerds still in the bird (which I have totally done). Rock on, Siri. This totally made my day.


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