


my New York happy places...

the Rachael Ray Show green room
(tune in to see Carson on the 26th)

Back from a quick trip to New York.  First time traveling with two little ones = success, in large part due to the fact that I recently gave birth to an ANGEL BABY who gives me zero problems (knock.on.wood.).  Thankful for the fact that my MIL is cooking the majority of Thanksgiving, but excited to contribute these.  And excited that my mom will be there also and is making this again.

More later.  And past Thanksgiving day posts here and here.  


  1. Despite the fact that I called it guacamole all night, the Cranberry Avocado Salsa was a RAGING HIT. I am passing on the recipe to everyone and they are all demanding it for Christmas. Thank you for another delicious recipe! And a belated congratulations on Etta!

  2. Cranberry Avocado Salsa has made it into the Corbett Family tradition as well. This year, Eden Prairie was representing in Sanibel Island, Florida with my mother's family. Everyone loved it.

    Love to you and yours!


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