

Fancy Camping

Have you seen anything more cute, if not somewhat-out-of-a-slasher-film-esque, than that cabin? It is located north of Santa Barbara, California, at a wonderful campsite called El Capitan Canyon. But, I will forevermore refer to it as... Fancy Camping. Just go to the website. There's a woman getting a massage (fancy), with rocks (camping). We rented a bunch of cabins with a slew of friends and family and had the best time. Just enough nature (including a snake outside our door) with just enough glitter (someone makes your bed in the mornings and gives your fresh towels).

While the cabins come equipped with a mini fridge and microwave, you're left cooking your food on your fire pit. I have never tasted better eggs or sausage in the morning...

Bloody Mary's also taste better in the wilderness. Minus the hint of bug spray that inevitably made it's way into everything.

Ok, I did bring my Panini Maker and plug it into one of the many outlets inside the cabin. Jack enjoyed Peanut Butter Paninis for breakfast and Grilled Cheeses for lunch...

First thing we did when we got there: axe a watermelon in half, scoop some out and feed to the kiddos, and pour half a bottle of vodka inside. Trick was not letting the kiddos eat the "Mommy and Daddy Fruit."

Grilled corn over the fire pit with Cilantro Butter...

And my personal favorite photo of maybe all time. I decided to attempt some Rosemary Popcorn and after 20 minutes of staring at the pot, waiting for a kernel to explode, it started to work...

...and I literally JUMPED FOR JOY. That is pure jubilation, my friends. If you're looking for a place to gather for a reunion, wedding, or simply a place to drink with live deer, GO TO HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Looks wonderful. And fancy.

    My favorite part is the plastic Twins cup.


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