

Spiced Chickpea Stew


You may or may not have heard of this recipe that practically broke the internet, most familiarly referred to as "The Stew," but if you haven't...well then LISTEN UP!  Ugh, Siri, you're so bossy.  But really, listen up.  This.  Stew.  Is.  MAGICAL.  I will try to explain why...

It's a warm, comforting dish that leaves you completely satisfied without feeling heavy.  The chickpeas are perfectly seasoned with a spicy kick (I cut the red pepper flakes in half, however, because I'm a wuss).  The fresh ginger is a must, as it brightens up the stew and adds flavor.  And the coconut milk...oh the coconut milk.  Apparently there's a controversy over how many cans to use: 1 or 2.  I followed the recipe and used 2 cans and I wouldn't change a thing.  It smooths out the soup and adds a lovely depth.  Finally, the kale thickens the soup and makes you feel super healthy!  I topped mine with crispy chickpeas and greek yogurt - which I highly recommend.     

Recipe HERE.

Alison Roman, the cookbook author, Bon Appetit contributor and NY Times columnist responsible for the recipe, also went viral with this recipe for her Salted Chocolate Chunk Shortbread Cookies.  Try those as well, you won't be sorry. 


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