

Muffuletta Sandwiches


Hello.  I love sandwiches.  I love them like Joey Tribbiani loves them, and yes, I had to google how to spell "Tribbiani."  I think if I had to pick, a good Italian sandwich would be my favorite.  I still dream at night about "The Godmother" from Bay Cities in Santa Monica.  It is literal PERFECTION. Do you have a favorite?  I also love a good turkey, mayo, lettuce and tomato on a soft roll stuffed with crunchy potato chips.  Should we talk about sandwiches for another hour?  No?  Ok.

Recently, I went to see Dave Matthews Band at Jones Beach on Long Island.  I know!  I did a cool thing!  I'm still fun!  We even rented a party bus and went early to tailgate, which is where these sandwiches come in.  I wanted to bring something that would be easy to eat yet robust - something to, you know, stand up to all the adult beverages we brought.  These.  Were.  Perfect.  

The "muffuletta" sandwich is usually served on ciabatta or focaccia and consists of various Italian meats, cheeses and a signature olive salad.  You could probably buy a store-bought version of the salad that would work, but for this recipe I made my own and it was totally worth it.  I only wish I had doubled it so I could have leftovers for dipping with crusty bread.  Since it's too hot and humid EVERYWHERE to cook, you should probably make these sandwiches and call it a day.  Joey Tribbiani would be all like this...   
{You can find the recipe HERE.}

I see you, Jimmy.  

You can't hide.  

Flattening the sandwiches.

Party bus ready!


1. Unknown said...

I'm going to make these to take to the symphony here in Vail tomorrow. With transfusions. Love your book. And the arugula cauliflower brussels sprouts salad that I make once a week for bringing to a dinner. I volunteered to cook at a ranch in Montana in April for post 9/11 combat vets (warriorsandquietwaters.org) and everyone (28 people) wanted the recipe. You're famous, but I never would have known if it wasn't for my daughter, Catie. Go Badgers.

2. itqan said...

"نقدم لكم موقع متخصص فى صيانة الثلاجات فى الاسكندرية
توكيل صيانة كريازي بالاسكندرية
توكيل صيانة توشيبا بالاسكندرية
توكيل صيانة وايت ويل بالاسكندرية
توكيل صيانة شارب بالاسكندرية"

3. Mohamed said...

"نقدم لكم موقع متخصص فى نقل العفش وتنظيف المنازل ومكافحه الحشرات
نقل العفش والأثاث في السعودية

خدمات مكافحة الحشرات

شركة تنظيف منازل فى المدينة المنورة
عزل الخزانات فى المدينة المنورة
تنظيف الخزانات فى المدينة المنورة"

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