

No, not yet...

I have a feeling that if I'm absent from the blog for a few days, you're going to start assuming things.  But no, baby is still safe and sound in my belly.  In fact, I'm not even miserable!  (Don't hate me.)  I actually feel great, considering she is due exactly one month from today.  But I have slowed down in the cooking department, allowing others to make dinner for me.  Like the above bone-in ribeye Carson likes to whip up (herb brush and all).  It is the best sliced steak you will ever have - and everything tastes better when you're vacationing on the beach...

Coming up this week, I'm going to try out this and this.  
The only recipe I'm able to create myself these days is toast.  I put butter on it.  
You should try it sometime.  


  1. That looks so good -- the meat and the view! I've got two months from tomorrow, so I'm jealous that you're in the final month. Glad you're feeling great!

  2. Let someone else cook ....what a great idea ! Oh and by the way when you cook zucchini rice gratin ...I can help with the zucchini !!!! Lol and the tomatoes !!!!

  3. There is nothing like a good rib eye....NOTHING!


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