

Homemade Snickers Bars

The other day Carson sent me this article about homemade candy bars, and if he claims he didn't know what he was getting himself into he's on crack.  Because when I saw THESE, it was all over with people.  I waddled straight to the store for the ingredients.  One two-hour nap session and four simple steps later, I had the most amazing Homemade Snickers Bar in front of me.  I'm not kidding you, these taste EXACTLY, if not much better, than the original thing.  You have to make them.  I rarely do this, but I'm telling you, YOU HAVE TO MAKE THEM.  Or else we are no longer friends.  MAKE!

*Using a store-bought aluminum pan is really helpful, because at the end you can pop the whole thing out and cut...    

*My nougat layer started to melt into my chocolate layer, so it is really important to let everything cool between layering.  But who really cares, it still tastes the same.  


  1. I'm making these today !

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'll take some of those and that beach view to enjoy while I eat them! Sadly, the best water view I can enjoy around here is the MS River -- not quite as nice.

  4. These look sooooo good! Your killing me !!!

  5. Love the balance between nutritious and indulgence on your site Siri! The combination really can only be described as delicious - and these look divine!

  6. Did you use creamy or crunchy peanut butter?

  7. Creamy, but you could probably get away with either : )

  8. Where is the recipe at?


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