

Zucchini Orzo Gratin

Nine months pregnant today.  Yup, no big deal, all good in the hood (pretend I didn't say that).  Hey - men - you do know we're actually pregnant for TEN MONTHS if we go full term, right?  That's the majority of a year.  There should be an award show for pregnant people.  Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, all I want to eat right now is ice cream and bagels.  It's rare that something savory catches my eye, but I found this recipe the other day and it did the trick.  I love roasting vegetables and then turning them into crispy, cheesy bites of goodness.  I totally screwed up the rice portion of the dish, though, so I used orzo instead.  Delicious.  

You try cooking rice over a hot stove when it's 90 degrees outside and you're nine months pregnant.  

My feet look like one big swollen ball of toes.  
That was neither here nor there, but you wanted to know, right?   


  1. Excuse me darling but I want to make this but I can't find the recipe. Am I a dummy?

  2. Did you try clicking the link that says "this recipe"? It's working for me but let me know if it's not for you!

  3. Looks yummy....i'll put this on my list of things to do!


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