



I am going to participate in Wordless Wednesday, except it's Thursday, and I am going to use words. Here is my to-do list for August...

cinnamon rolls

homemade doughnuts


1. Unknown said...

How about to balance things out you make something with swiss chard? It's dark and leafy, and my weekly delivery box of assorted produce has included beautiful bunches of it for the last two weeks and it is currently wilting in my crisper drawer. I don't know what to do with it! HELP. I don't want it to be a case of murder by neglect of perfectly good produce.

2. Andrea the Kitchen Witch said...

your to do list is a lot like mine...minus the last one, I always say I'm starting that yet never do :)

3. iamchasingthirty said...

Did you see the donuts on Smitten Kitchen? Was just looking at them yesterday. YUM.

4. Unknown said...

LOL...I love it! I think I need to add that last one to my to-do list too!

5. Valerie said...

Oooh, cinnamon rolls! Donuts are on my list too! And I completely agree. If I can get away with never leaving the west side, I seize the opportunity. Working downtown really throw a wrench into that plan though.


6. Jessi Kaufman said...

I'm so coming over for a "walk" on the day that you make donuts. I'm just sayin.


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