


Without further adieu... here are the items I've selected to GIVE, TO, YOU!

Pastry cutter... used for everything from dogs 'n a blanket to ravioli.

Cedar wraps... for that smoky, summery grilling.

Citrus juicer... I use almost every day for lemons, limes, and oranges.

A pastry bottle... if that's what it's called... for decorating cakes, cookies, and savory dishes (that picture does NOT want to rotate). And finally...

Mostly Organic Mustard... a friend's new product... good for salad dressing, marinades, on pizza, mixed in with buffalo burgers, etc, etc.

There you have it! These are some of my favorite things, as you can see from the links above. I hope you enjoy them too. All you have to do is leave a comment below for a chance to win and remember, you MUST be an official follower of this blog! I will draw a winner at 5pm on Friday, July 2nd.

p.s. I can't believe it's almost July.


  1. Siri,

    Your blog is absolutely amazing and is such and inspiration. I look forward to your new ideas daily. Keep up the great work!


  2. Comment!
    Also, I'm wondering if you have any recipes for Alfredo sauce???

    Sarah.... The other one....

  3. Pick me, pick me, pick me!

  4. Love your blog, Siri. Thanks for all the yummy ideas!


  5. mmmm...that mustard looks like a must-have. yummy.

  6. stephie P1:20 PM

    I follow you religiously...even on Sundays, when i should be in church...I have turned many family and friends onto your sister just got asked ..AGAIN.. to bring Lucy's Ham Sandwiches to a get together..(I think it is her 4th time)
    The only thing that hasn't really turned out for me was the sliced polenta with cheese on top...but i think I put too much oil on them...That was ME..not You...
    I'm a BIG keep on keeping on..and choose me..:)

  7. Ooh, who can resist a giveaway? I've really enjoyed reading your blog for the inspiration and the humor. One of my favs has been the wasabi mashed cauliflower - it's now our side of choice!

    Lucy S.

  8. Love your blog! You inspired me to start my own, so thanks for that. Keep up the great work!

  9. I will win this, I will win this, I will win this.

  10. Please sing to the tune of "Mandy" OH SIRI, You came and you blogged about bakin', And I read you all day, Oh Siri, I can't wait to see what your makin', for new posts I pray,Oh Siri. : ) Thank you so much for your wit,& sass, Now send me some stuff! Dawn

  11. You don't know me...but I came across your blog by way of another friends blog. I have to admit I am midly obsessed with your blog, and I regularly use your recipes!! I have a 16 month old, and it is so nice to read about another new mom's quest to continue cooking for her family even though life can get pretty crazy with a 1 year old!! Thanks for all the recipes, pictures and humor!

  12. Oh, For the love of PETE!! YOU'RE IE: You Are! I knew that. sigh.

  13. Give me a present!!! :) I love your blog. You're so funny.

  14. I can't believe I wasn't already a follower..shame on me! I so enjoy your blog...the food, the stories.. I love it all. So glad I found your site!

  15. Wow, loving this giveaway! Fantastic stuff!!

  16. Wonderful all e items...

  17. Anonymous10:22 PM

    What a great giveaway!! Such fun new toys for the kitchen :)

  18. Consider this a comment! JK Siri (do people still say that)? I do love love love your blog and am so happy to finally have found some inspiration in the kitchen and all thank to you! I made your oven baked spicy friend chicken the other night and it was delicious!

  19. Ohh I would love to win!! I just love your blog!

  20. Ya, But...I love you the best.

  21. I love your blog and look forward to your new posts! My favorite so far has been the tuna casserole. I made it at least 3 times during the last MN winter, it is a perfect comfort food! Thank you.

  22. Love the blog Siri! I've gotten some great ideas and told my foodie friends about you. Keep it up! Oh and pick me, pick me!

  23. Siri! I love, love, LOVE your blog, I read it everyday! and since I'm more of a baker than a cook (my boyfriend is a chef so he does all the cooking stuff) I BAKE ALL OF YOUR TREATS and they are all spec-TACULAR! LOVE all of the original ideas... keep it up girl ;-)

  24. What a great giveaway! I honestly don't have any of these things, and I pride myself on having a well-stocked kitchen!

  25. Hilary2:01 PM

    Your blog makes me crave dinner items at 8am when I get at work! I love it! And then I wonder if it's normal to crave a turkey burger that early... Thanks for so many great ideas!

  26. Sidi! I am making your halibut right now! I love everything you have an amazing talent for cooking AND writing so this blog is a perfect fit for you:) I can't wait to WIN!:)

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. If I wasn't so selfish I would say that Dawn D should win for her awesome re-do of the song "Mandy" for her own purposes here in winning this giveaway contest. But I AM selfish and I want the fun free stuff so pick me! :-)

  29. Love love love your blog! All the recipes look delish and you make them look so easy to make! Keep up the good work!


    Top Five Favorite Recipes (in no particular order):

    Pork Tinga
    Praline and Reese's Rugelach
    Rosemary Pan Fried Chicken (LOVE) Lucy's Ham Sandwiches

    My tummy is happier since you've started your blog :-) Thank you!

  31. Siri-
    I love your blog-so many fun ideas! I also now always think of you when I'm handling raw chicken-isn't that nice? :) Josh also likes it when I use your recipes, so its kind of like I'm two fans in one.:)


I read all of your comments, because I love comments, and I love you.