

Siriously? I'm Serious: K'Flaws


Lately, I've been thinking about the things I could improve on in the kitchen. I shall call them my K'Flaws, because that's nerdy, and I thought I would share them. Sharing is Caring. Also I didn't cook anything new last night and I'm trying to get creative with my posts.

-I keep leftovers for WAY too long. I start out thinking I'll eat them the next day. Ok the day after that. Then it reaches a point where I know they're still good, and I feel guilty throwing them away. But soon, they're no longer good. Oh no, and they disgust me. I won't go near them for days. Confession: I kept the Tuna Casserole in the outdoor fridge for almost 2 weeks. Gross, just gross.

-I let dishes soak for days. The kind with food gunk stuck to the bottom of the pan. Are you sensing I have some avoidancy issues in my life? It's okay, I'll fix them later.

-I abuse it. I use it more than I'd like to admit. But I spent nearly 10 years of my life living in apartments with no dishwashers, washing everything by hand, so my time has come to waste water and energy!! And after a long day of running after a toddler and preparing dinner, sometimes I just want a machine to wash the dishes and put my son to bed. So sue me.

-When I can't open a jar I get irrationally angry. In my brain, the inanimate object turns into a being, a being that has wronged me, and deserves punishment in the form of really bad words.

So, I ask you People of the World Wide Web, what are your K'Flaws?


Kevin and Erin McLaughlin said...

I hate washcloths and sponges. Breeding grounds for nasty bacteria. I obsessively clean my counters with 409 and paper towels. The earth hates me. I would spray down my kid if I could...

Andrea the Kitchen Witch said...

I'm the opposite of you Siri when it comes to the dishes. I wash them by hand (dishwasher broke about a year ago, I'm taking it out and putting shelves in for storage!) and HATE to have anything in my sink. I'm always doing dishes.

I too get irrational at the littlest stupidest things like if I can't find a particular spoon RIGHT when I want it I tend to want to throw things.

Siri said...

I am a germaphobe when it comes to the kitchen. I go through sponges like MAD. And yet, my son can lick the swing at the playground and I don't care. Weird.

Andrea - I hate having things in my sink too. Which is why I just don't look in there : ) BAD SIRI, BAD!

Katy Stuhr said...

I use way too many dishes when I cook. Instead of washing a mixing bowl and reusing it, I just get out another one. Joe likes to compare me to the dog...he says, 'It's like you're the dog and you got out ALL your toys to show me, and then put none of them back.'

Siri said...

Funny Katy : )

Unknown said...

I have too many to count. For starters, I keep my sponges way past their lifespan. These things could be on their deathbed, full of sponge disease, and I'd still put them to work.

I'm also a total weirdo when it comes to handling raw chicken. You really need to plan ahead, and I never do. I put the raw chicken on the cutting board, and I, I, I need a knife. But I have to wash my hands before I can open the knife drawer. With hands now washed, I finally get my knife out and start cutting the chicken. Shit, I forgot the freezer bags. Double shit, they're in a drawer! Wash hands again. OK, freezer bags now on counter. Touch raw chicken, then realize I can't touch the little box of freezer bags to pull them out individually. Guess what time it is? Yup. Hand washing time! This bout between my hands and raw chicken goes on for many, many more rounds.

Total chicken creep. I know.

PS: Nice site. Found it through facebookers.

Siri said...

J - whoever you are - I'm glad you found this site because this comment is not only hilarious, I feel like I wrote it. My hands are raw after I handle raw chicken. Actually check out my post on Chipotle Chicken Tacos - I think I might have Raw Chicken OCD. It's a serious problem. Do you wash your sink after you've washed your hands 25 times? Um, me neither.

lisa rizzo said...

Ditto on all your K'flaws. You are not alone. also, I heard if you nuke a sponge it kills all the bacteria.

StephieP. said...

I am a knife licker...Especially knives that have mayonnaise on them...I have been known to put a sharp knife between my teeth and lick it, when all my table knives are in the dishwasher...Adrenaline Rush!!....One time, someone yelled at me..(in my own home!).."You better not put that knife that you just licked back in the jar for another dip!"...I just threw the knife at them...NO I DIDN'T....So far the tongue Gods have been with me....

Being Ingrid said...

StephieP, I used to YELL at my friends for doing that. I envisioned them cutting their tongues off.

Siri, my K'Flaw is that I DON'T USE MINE!

skr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BethM said...

According to my boyfriend, I am a kitchen Nazi. It drives him crazy...he says...but I think it's just his excuse to never have to cook anything ever. Which is fine with me, I don't want him in my kitchen anyway. I think I have control issues.

BTW did you know using the dishwasher actually saves water...depending on how conscious you are about how much water is used while washing by hand.

Ashleigh said...

Sometimes I don't clean the backs of my plates.

sweetlife said...

I love the dishwasher..I'm sorry I hate to wash dishes and i'm super messy in the kitchen when I making food for a post, but then it freaks me out and I go into nija cleaning mode and then i take a nap...


Lora said...

I recently started being really busy, and by busy I mean I made up excuses to not do dishes. I hate doing dishes, and more than anything I hate washing silverware. I was at Sams's club buying a cake for a birthday party and I saw a jumbo sized box of silverware. IDEA!! Guess who hasn't had to wash silverware in 3 weeks? Guess who is contributing a crap ton to the landfills and doesn't care? Guess how hard it is to gut a squash with a plastic knife? Another one I do is leaving the dishes in the sink forever, and I got it from my mom. "It has to soak first!" I pretend anything and everything will benefit from a good 2-5 day soak in some dish soapy water. Then 4 days later, it's disgusting so I turn on the hot water and shoot at everything with the spray nozzle until it doesn't seem as disgusting. For shame...

JulieA said...

I agree with J-I am a terrible raw chicken handler. TERRIBLE. Also, as I don't have a dishwasher, I often throw all the dishes into soapy water for a soak, including the super sharp nice knives. Josh always yells at me that he won't help clean up anymore if I keep putting sharp knives into soapy water-he says that he'll end up cutting open his wrist and bleeding out. Which would be bad. He probably has a point, but I just like to get stuff off of the counter...

Andrea Bernstein said...

1. I wash my knives in the dishwasher.

2. Sometimes, after I cut a lemon or a dry piece of toast, I will put the knife back into the knife block without washing it. Can you tell that I hate handwashing knives? What is wrong with me?!

3. I like a very organized fridge. Im constantly in there, straightening things, lining things up according to color or type of food (dairy on top, drinks on bottom). And Im especially proud of this when everything in there is very healthy. I sometimes imagine that one day Oprah will do one of those "surprise " visits to see how I am faring at the domestic goddess work, and she will give me major kudos for the contents of my fridge. Hopefully she doesnt peak in the dishwasher and see the bread knife in there.

Anonymous said...

I recently stumbled on your blog and I LOVE it! You are hilarious and your recipes look heavenly. Can't wait to try them.

Now butt-kissing aside (ha!), I wanted to offer you a tip on how to open jars without getting so frustrated that you want to punish the poor little jar.

My very first job was at a sandwich shop/ice cream shop. If you flip the jar upside down and tap the edge of the lid on the floor twice (and in a few different spots around the lid), it opens right up! EVERY TIME! :) I promise you, it will be life changing. Over and out.


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