

White Chocolate Peppermint Candy Fudge


I love making fudge, especially during the holidays, but using a candy thermometer can be intimidating (remember this fudge fail?).  That's why I was excited to find a method that only uses your microwave!  I whipped this White Chocolate Fudge together in a matter of minutes and it's rich, creamy, and deliciously festive.  I followed this recipe but swapped the chocolate candy for peppermint M&M's, peppermint Kisses and chopped up candy canes.  Another great gift idea!  

*Note: to chop candy canes I place them, unwrapped, in a bag and use a hammer or meat tenderizer to smash them into pieces.  It's fun... a good stress reliever this time of year.

More fudge...


Holy_Food said...

sounds so delicious.!! Kids will love this.!
Thanks for sharing!!

Courtney said...

Yum, adding this to my Christmas baking list now! And I definitely appreciate the microwave method fudge ;)

Linda said...

Pretty fudge !!❤️

Pamela said...

This microwave White Chocolate Fudge recipe sounds delightful, especially with the peppermint twist! It’s perfect for holiday gifting. For a fun break while waiting for the fudge to set, why not play Cookie Clicker ?


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