

Boursin Pasta with Spring Peas

Are you familiar with Boursin Cheese?  I add it to almost every cheese plate, and it's always a hit.  It sort of tastes like flavored cream cheese, and as a devout cream cheese lover I obviously find that wonderful.  Well, the other day I was trolling around blog land, and I came across a PASTA in which the sauce is made entirely from Boursin cheese.  Not only did that sound like CRACK to me, it also sounded incredibly easy.  And it was!  Pasta, Boursin cheese, frozen (or fresh) peas and lemon zest.  And don't forget lots and lots of pepper.  I ate this until I felt really, really full, and if anyone has any suggestions on how I can implement portion control into my life, that'd be great.  

You can find the recipe here.


  1. Love your blog AND your sense of humor! I also have issues with portion control when it comes to pasta :-)

  2. I don't have a set recipe but I make a yummy boursin scalloped potato recipe. 1 wheel of boursin, 1 pint heavy cream, melt in a sauce pan. Slice potatoes to your desired thickness, layer in baking dish, add salt and pepper to potatoes to taste. Cover with melted cheese/heavy cream mixture. Bake @350 for about an hour. Uncovered. It's totally fat free. :)

    1. Your potato recipe sounds like an extra yummy version of potato dauphinois!

      Cee x

  3. Not sure why my name didn't come through. - Erin M

  4. I'm making this tonight! Can't wait to try it!

  5. Like you I am an absolute cheese monster so this recipe sounds right up my street! ...thanks for sharing!

    Cee x


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