

Easter fun with Rachael


I had a blast on the Rachael Ray Show today!  Sure, we made out with eggs and broke a few (okay, Rach broke a few), but it was so much fun to try out three crafty, Easter-inspired treats and crafts that we found online.  Check out the segment here.  And, if you ever come across something on the World Wide Web that makes you say, "SIRI-ously, can I really make that?" please send it my way!  

(Because I am Siri.) 


1. eshanks said...

Can you tell me about the cute top you wore on the show?

2. Lisa M said...

if you cant use peanut butter in those little bird nests - will they work? They are super cute for pre-school but we are not allowed to bring anything peanut butter.

3. Siri said...

It's from Madewell! New, probably their spring collection :)

4. Siri said...

And Lisa - I'm sure it would still be very tasty without PB. Or you could try sunbutter?

5. Megan B. said...

I just found your blog and I love it! Wonderful recipes, great sense of humor. It makes me hungry and wanting to cook/bake everything. But please tell me how you stay so thin, because just reading your blog makes me feel fat.


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