

Andes Mint Chunk Cookies

Two things:  

First, my little man is almost six.  SIX!  I have been a mom for six years.  Which pretty much makes me an expert (even though I have no idea what I'm doing).  Jackson is pure joy, and I'm so lucky that he chose me to be his mama.  At school, they get to bring in birthday treats, and he chose these Andes Mint Chunk Cookies.  Good boy, right?  "Mama, I'm Irish, and we Irish like mint."  That's probably a gigantic stereotype, but who can argue with a 6 year-old choosing his birthday treat?!  So we made these cookies yesterday, and swapped chocolate chips for chopped up Andes Mints.  They are YUM.  

Second thing: I'm so happy to announce that I'll be back on the Rachael Ray Show this Monday, March 16th!  If you like to plan ahead for holidays when it comes to crafts and treats like me, because you have obsessive compulsive traits, again, like me, then you won't want to miss this show! Rachael and I are going to test out a few Easter ideas we found online that led us to say, "SIRIously, is that possible?!"  Oh puns, you're fun.  Things get a little messy, so please tune in to see :)

Also, Andes Mint Brownies here.


  1. What is the recipe for the cookies?

  2. Anonymous2:40 PM

    where is the recipe? I like mint too!

  3. julia8:01 PM

    Yummm! And happy birthday Jackson D ;).

  4. Congratulations on being the greatest six year old mom !!! Happy Birthday to the little man! Excited to see what you and Rachel have in store for us on Monday!!!


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