

The Today Show...

I may not have slept at all last night, I may not have eaten breakfast due to nerves (while still consuming WAAAAY too much coffee), but I just had a very fun morning at the Today Show!  Carson and I tried to show you what real life cooking looks like, at least at our house - complete with crying (fake) babies, nosy (beautiful) neighbors and (hilarious) work calls.  Thank you for having me, Lovely Today People!  Check out the segment (and find the recipes) by clicking here.

p.s. I usually cook in grey pajamas, not heels, but ya gotta have a little fun on TV :)


  1. I really loved the show! I'm off to buy ingredients for the beef and signed up to receive your blog. Go Bucky!

  2. Cant wait to try the recipes! Great job kn the ahow. My crockpot is my best friend due to severe Fibromyalgia and back issues.

    Thank you for sharing and you all did great.

  3. tweisenthal9:26 AM

    Your segment was LOL funny! I have 3 kids also so I get it! Love that you had a separate meal for the kids. That is reality!!! I think I make 3-4 different meals a night to appease everyone. Love your blog and thanks for being so real!!!

  4. You are a natural on TV! And so beautiful! :) I didn't know about this blog until Carson mentioned it. I've enjoyed scrolling through your past posts. I'm obsessed with looking for new and fun recipe ideas!

  5. You are a natural on TV! And so beautiful! :) I didn't know about this blog until Carson mentioned it. I've enjoyed scrolling through your past posts. I'm obsessed with looking for new and fun recipe ideas!

  6. Great job! That was too cute -- and pretty spot on.

  7. You guys are adorable! Great job :)
    It all looks so yummy, I can't wait to try your recipes.

  8. I can't be alone in thinking that you two need a cooking tv show ASAP. You are both super adorable and always make such delicious looking food. Someone needs to make this happen! :)

  9. Anonymous5:42 PM

    I love you and Carson, Siri!!!I always look forward to your tv appearances and I love the recipes on your blog. Thank you for sharing your busy life with us, you were great on the Today show!


  10. You two are adorable! That was a sweet segment. I love your blog and your writing voice is perfection. Thanks for the down-to-earth mama vibe!

  11. I loved this! You're a natural! You guys have such a sweet dynamic! Bravo!

  12. What a great segment! It shows that we can all survive amidst the chaos in our lives. Can't wait to try your recipe!

  13. Loved it, great job!!! :-)

  14. It was adorable, the segment and seemed very real. Cute couple.

  15. have been reading your blog for awhile now and love your sense of humor. you guys were so adorable on the Today Show. keep up the good work!!!

  16. Mo will never go back to cold shrimp cocktail after trying your recipe last night! the shrimp was easy and delish!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Stephanie Smith9:42 AM

    I made the cookies this morning for my kids' lunches because I ran out of treats for them and they were great! I got four large cookies and one medium (for me) with the recipe. Delicious! Plus I had everything, which is always a bonus for me! What a great idea! Homemade cookies in 20 minutes! I almost cried. Thank you!!!


I read all of your comments, because I love comments, and I love you.