

Madhava Baking Mixes + Syrups Giveaway!


I'm sorry I haven't been around this week... both kids have been sick, we took a surprise day trip to Disneyland and mostly... getting ready for a MASSIVE cross-country move!  I will be back next week, with cookies and patty melts and more.  Maybe something healthy.

But let's talk about this giveaway!  One of my favorite brands, Madhava, recently came out with new products: organic baking mixes, organic coffee syrups and organic pancake syrups!  They are offering a lucky reader one of EACH of the above (with the exception of the brownie mix which isn't out yet).  I recently tried two of the mixes and fell in love.  If you're like me, and sometimes feel guilty using boxed baking mixes because of the overly-sweet, processed nature of the food, you don't have to feel that way with Madhava's products!  They are organic, made with ancient grains and natural sweeteners and low-glycemic.  Most importantly, they taste AMAZING...      

Please comment below to win, and let me know which product you're most excited to try.  

*You must be an official follower of this blog to qualify, and a winner will be chosen on Wednesday, 2/26, at 8am PST.  Good luck!


1. Unknown said...

I have never heard of this brand before, but the cake "sandwich" looks SIRIOUSLY DELICIOUS!!!

2. Paige King said...

I wonder if I can find this brand anywhere in Montana!?! I'm dying to try the coffee syrups!!!

3. Britt said...

I really want the brownies but since they aren't out yet, the chocolate chip cookies will definitely suffice.

4. Cassie said...

I would love to try the maple cinnamon agave pancake syrup!

5. Rich said...

You had me at yummy chocolate chip cookies...

6. Unknown said...

Oh my I god, look at that cake sandwich! I really want to try Salted Caramel on that! :D

7. Lisa said...

The cake mix would come in handy for my son's second birthday this month. Having a hard time finding something without a ton of processed ingredients. Thanks for the info!

8. Jen said...

Those cookies look awesome. I'd love to try those!

9. juyahna said...

I'd love to try the Salted Caramel Coffee Syrup. I love the packaging!

10. Anonymous said...

I want to try those cookies - they look pretty amazing and ridiculously easy. Yum!

11. karen said...

anything with hazelnut is a win in my book! i'd love to try the hazelnut coffee syrup.

12. Unknown said...

The apple cinnamon pancake syrup sounds awesome!

13. Sarah Johner said...

I'm dying to try the chocolate cake mix with a little bit of salted caramel sauce on top of it!!

14. Kristen said...

I would oh so happily add some syrup to my morning coffee!

15. Estelle said...

I would love the blueberry agave syrup on the pancakes mix for breakfast ! And you're so right, how can anyone feel guilty baking a cake from a box when it's organic and low glycemic ? Their products all look delicious !

16. Unknown said...

I am most excited to try the Blueberry Agave Syrup! Yum! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.
fairyfractal at gmail dot com

17. Shira said...

Chocolate chip cookie mix. Those look so delicious.

18. Suburban prep said...

The chocolate chip cookies look divine but then the Maple Cinnamon syrup sound delicious.

19. Erin Bricker said...

I would really love to try the Salted Caramel coffee syrup! Never had this before, but also never had any of these except for the Hazelnut coffee syrup once. Would love to try everything if I had the chance to! :) I would make the chocolate chip cookies though first. Everything looks so awesome! Thank you!

20. Kristin Drummelsmith said...

Would love to try the chocolate chip cookie mix - I like to bake homemade - but sometimes tire of it. Love that they are low-glycemic!

21. JACLYN said...

The yellow cake would be a hit in our kitchen!! GFC follower JACLYN

22. Cynthia said...

The cookie mix. My husband loves them and I have a horrible time making them. Congrats on the move!!

23. kpreng said...

I'm likin' the pancake mix for the kids since those are pretty much a weekly staple around these parts;) Yay!!

24. Amy (So There, by Amy) said...

Oh this brand sounds wonderful!

25. Sunny C. said...

The Chocolate Cookies look so Yummy. They do not look at all like they came from a mix!!!
I would Love to try their products, tell many other friends about them!!!
Thank-You for the chance :-)

26. ♡♥♬ Carolsue ♡♥♬ said...

I follow on GFC as Carolsue
I follow on Twitter as MsCarolsueA
I would like to try the Bluerry Agave Pancake Syrup!
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

27. Jessie A said...

The salted caramel syrup looks so yummy! really it all looks good to me but that would be my favorite .

28. Jennifer Benak said...

I want it all! But the chocolate chip cookie mix is speaking to me. You can never have too many chocolate chip cookies!

29. Unknown said...

I have had the Madhava Agave before but never knew they had so many products. The coffee syrups sound divine!

30. Rachel said...

I would love to try those coffee syrups! They look amazing.

31. Linda said...

I'd love to try the yellow cake mix.

32. Unknown said...

Salted caramel coffee syrup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O.O

33. Dana said...

i Cant wait to try all the coffee syrups!!

34. Catpez said...

Hope to try the Chocolate Chip Cookie mix! These mixes just went on sale at my local LI grocery store. ;)

35. Kiran B. said...

looks yum!

36. Anonymous said...

Everything sounds good! I would like to start my day with the vanilla coffee syrup.

37. Jen said...

That chocolate chip cookie mix looks awesome!

38. Mary B. said...

Chocolate cake mix!

39. e said...

Love this! I would love any of the mixes as I too hate using other store bought mixes full of god knows what! The ancient grains thing is so intriguing.

40. Unknown said...

Oh god...the salted caramel stuff. But I don't drink coffee so can I just drink straight shots of it? I would try the pancake mix too! And good luck with the life craziness! Exciting!

41. Anonymous said...

I think the brownies sound delic - but chocolate chip cookies - uhh la la!!! I' d like them all at my house!!!!

42. NE Salzy said...

The cakes - Seriiously Yum!

43. Susan Christy said...

I want to try the Maple Cinnamon Syrup.

44. Elizabeth said...

I'd love to try the syrups... YUM YUM SYRUP!

45. Nicole Adeline said...

This pancake fein is always down for a new pancake mix!

I would also try the cake mixes because making box cakes and lying about it is my new thing!

Not to take anything away from Madhava, but while we are on box mixes, if you haven't tried the Martha White 'Cinnamon Streusel' mix TRYYYYY

Everyone will think it is your grandmothers ancient coffee cake recipe

46. Rebecca said...

I'd love to try the chocolate chip cookie mix :)


47. mimmi said...

I would love to try the Chocolate cake mix, yum...

48. Michelle T. said...

I would love to try the Maple Cinnamon syrup on our Sunday waffles!

49. Abby Mehlin said...

I would love to try the baking mixes. Good luck with your move.

50. Unknown said...

Oh Chocolate chip cookies, or maybe vanilla cake mix, or maybe the syrup, no maybe the chocolate chip cookies, hmmmm they all look so good I can not decide, you would have to pick if I was selected its to difficult to choose they all look yummy!

51. Unknown said...

I'm excited about the blueberry agave maple syrup!

52. Unknown said...

The maple cinnamon syrup and yellow cake mix look delicious!

53. Julie D said...

I would love to try the cookies!

54. Lisa said...

I'm most curious about the agave syrups...I've wondered about agave but haven't gotten the courage to try it.

55. Anonymous said...

Chocolate chip cookie mix and coffee syrup sounds like an awesome combination.

56. Jen W. said...

Maple cinnamon pancake syrup sounds delicious!

57. Dana said...

omg these look amazing! I'm pregnant with my first and have a SIRIOUS (pun intended :)) sweet tooth! Would love to try this as the organic mix would be quick, easy, and totally guilt-free (the calories aren't bad for you if it's organic haha). Best of luck on the big move, btw!

58. Unknown said...

I would love to try the boxed cake mix. Thanks!

59. Unknown said...

the chocolate chip cookie mix looks amazing!

60. Felicia Collins said...

Sounds amazing, I want to try the chocolate chip cookies. Thanks for the opportunity.

61. CanYou said...

I'd love to try the Salted Caramel Coffee Syrup!

62. Lisa M said...

OBSESSED! I am super excited to try the cookie mix! I mean Organic Chocolate Chip Cookies! YES PLEASE

63. cp said...

The maple cinnamon syrup. yum

64. AmyGreer said...

Blueberry agave maple syrup? Yes please!

65. meredith m said...

The chocolate chip cookies look amazing!!

66. LeahJill said...

I'd love to use the cake mix to make cupcakes for my son's birthday at preschool! Anytime I can make a healthy-ish baked treat I feel like mom of the year :)

67. dallas livin said...

Products look super yummy - but the real question is ... ??cross country move after we've all seen the pretty remodeled kitchen ?

68. Keiko said...

Chocolate chip cookies get me every time. But I'd love to try the coffee syrups too! :)

69. Angel said...

I'm excited to try the pancake mix along with the cinnamon maple syrup.

70. Annette said...

I'd most like to try the blueberry syrup and the yellow cake mix.

71. Anonymous said...

I've never heard of this brand before, but I'm so excited! I don't always have time to make a homemade cake or cookies, but don't want to necessarily use a box mix because of what's in them, so this is fantastic!!!! I'd love to try the cookie and cake mixes for sure.

72. Anonymous said...

I just tried the brownie mix with 2 eggs (for more cake like consistency ) and added 1 cup Pecans (out of walnuts) and it was very good !


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