

New kitchen : )

As I promised, here is the before...

...and after:

Biggest changes of note:

1. White and black marble floors turned into hardwood floors.
2. Light brown, shiny cabinets turned into white shaker cabinets.
3. Dark green/grey granite countertops turned into carrara marble countertops.
4. Light brown, shiny, outdated appliances turned into stainless steel updated appliances.

I do not feel worthy.  I do not feel worthy!  Honestly, I spent the majority of my adult life without a dishwasher and was always perfectly happy.  Back when I was a 20-something singleton, I once made over 250 cookies and catered a meal for over 40 people in a kitchen the size of a shoe box.  So, like I said, I do not feel worthy.  In fact, I sleep every night in my new sink curled up like a baby in a womb.  That is not true, but still, I think about doing it.  I would like to share with you some of my favorite parts, if you care to see...        

The Viking stove and the pot filler.  A pot filler!  Listen folks, I make a lot of Mac & Cheese and I can't be bothered walking back and forth between the sink and stove with a heavy pot in my hand.  (Before you throw something at your computer, that was a joke.)  But I am very much obsessed with our new pot filler.  I almost want to start a fire, just to save the day with our pot filler.  I keep saying pot filler.  Also, let's not forget the glass cabinets where I can feature my obsession with turquoise.   

The farmhouse sink and the industrial-sized faucet.  Where I sleep at night except not really.  Also, the garbage is over there on the left.  I love being able to pull that out vs. reaching under the sink.

The baking nook.  Need I say more?  You remember the oven from yesteryear.  

Maybe most importantly (and possibly the reason for the entire remodel), the banquette.  We used to pull of folding chairs from a closet and eat around a computer desk for meals.  Now we sit like a civilized family, in front of the TV.  But at least we're sitting at a real table!
And I love our red retro pendant lamp.      

Thank you for your interest in our new kitchen!  We are off to NY this week but I have some posts and giveaways for you nonetheless so stay tuned...


  1. LOVE! Especially the banquette!

  2. So beautiful! I heart marble countertops! Hope you are enjoying it. We lived through a kitchen remodel with toddlers, too. It can be tough.

  3. I love the white kitchen, very clean, modern look, with the pops of color in there! It all started when I received my white kitchenaid stand mixer for Christmas, now all items purchased for the kitchen are white...lovely!

  4. It looks wonderful!!**

    Well worth the wait :D

  5. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Absolutely beautiful - and love the way the pink mixer gets its own lovely corner. So great you are still blogging despite the fact that your own life if so tumultuous these days!

  6. this is AWESOME. freaking glorious. so much storage and surface space! and so bright! good work.

  7. Stunning! I love many things (the pot filler!), but it's usually the simplest and little things that catch my eye and I have to say that I LOVE the shelves on the island for your cook books. Mine are taking up a complete cupboard in my kitchen. Enjoy it.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. it's super pretty. i love the baking corner too

  10. Beautiful! I love all of the drawers. Enjoy it!

  11. Wow.....that is absolutely fantastic!!! Worth the wait, I'd say. I've never heard of such a thing as a pot filler but now I need one! When I get a kitchen of my own that I own, that is. And I thought a hot water tap at the sink for tea was fancy! Love the double ovens too....beautissimus! so the photo you have on your wall that is also the header for this blog....what's the story behind it? :)

  12. p.s. - I know that the long bar handles on cabinets are all the rage right now (at least back here in small town MN) but I love the hardware you have on yours!

  13. IT'S AMAZING! Just the farm sink alone is badass, but a POT filler?! What a great idea! I'm so jealous. That's brilliant. And so much more convenient and smart and omg why don't I have one of those?!

    Your new kitchen is so beautiful, and I can't wait to see some more posts just because I get to imagine what a cool kitchen it was made in. And, you know, I can eat the delicious stuff you make.

  14. I absolutely love it...and it was worth the wait for the big reveal!

  15. Now, you're coming to my kitchen!

  16. LisaM6:14 AM

    AMAZING! So Jealous!

  17. Anonymous6:46 AM

    absolutely beautiful!

  18. It is really, really beautiful! Super functional, too. Enjoy! ;)

  19. I absolutely j'adore your new kitchen - exquisitely beautiful!

    Lots of love, laughter, yummy, delicious smelling cooking and baking be always a part of, and surround you in this amazing kitchen!

  20. Cindy P8:16 PM

    It is so so so so so so so so cool. You deserve it, you are truly worthy and have fun it in.

  21. Looks great Siri!! Can I just say I have the same pots (color too) on my stove and the same sink... I need to post a pic of my kitchen now!! I love how clean and white it is and I love the hardwood floors. BEAUTIFUL! :)

  22. Just finally catching up. Outstanding! Definitely sleep in the sink. :)

  23. Looking rather sleek! It's down to the color palette sometimes, to kind of mute things a little bit in order to give them a modern sheen. It's also in the layout. And those are good angles that you've settled with. Kitchen layouts are a dynamic process, so I bet you can find more configurations.

    Granite Busters


I read all of your comments, because I love comments, and I love you.