

Rice A Roni Salad


First of all, let me apologize for the lack of posting.  If you're new to this blog, then you are unaware that we are completely remodeling our kitchen.  With that, and summer traveling, it's been difficult to find the time to cook and obsessively bake like I'm used to doing.  But, I promise to wow you with some Fudge Brownie Cookies and maybe homemade ice cream (flavor ideas? anyone?) later on this week.  Thank you for being patient.  I am in love with you.

Ok on to business... I am from the Midwest, where anything can qualify as a "salad."  Fruit + Jello?  Salad.  Macaroni + Lunch Meat?  Salad.  Rice A Roni + red pepper, green onion, water chestnuts, artichoke hearts and mayo?  Salad.  While I'm not really a fan of the former two, the latter is delicious.  A great, easy side for a summer BBQ.  And you can pretend you're dieting by eating SALAD.

Prepare Chicken flavored Rice A Roni as directed on box.  Let cool.  In a large bowl, add 1 diced red pepper, 3 chopped green onion stalks, 1 can sliced water chestnuts (roughly chopped), and half a can of artichoke hearts (also roughly chopped).  Add half of the juice from the artichoke hearts and 1/2 cup mayo.  Stir in Rice A Roni, and season to taste.  I like to add some red pepper flakes as well.  


1. Unknown said...

For ice cream flavors, I have 2. First, anything with peanut butter. Second, how about a banana bread flavor? There is a creamery a few towns away that makes one. Walnut Beach Creamery. Check out their website! It's a few towns away from me but I have had their ice cream once and it is AWESOMENESS.

2. Unknown said...

I second banana...perhaps with pb

3. Cynthia Claydon said...

Oh my! You mentioned ice cream? Have you tried five-minute freezer bag ice cream yet? So fast, so easy, so yummy AND the kids love to help. Look it up. It is crazy!

4. Unknown said...

Good post.
Delicious Food


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