


(fake NY, excited to be in real NY next week)

Super Important Updates:

1. Jack got an ear infection this week.
2. The Voice had 3 live tapings.
3. I had to vote an hour away from my house cause I hadn't changed my address since the last election.
4. Yesterday, I ate two different kinds of soup, within 5 minutes of each other, and I spilled both kinds on my shirt.  I told you, super important updates.

Super Important Links:

Just ordered some of these for my fridge.
Yup, ok, have to top SOMETHING with this icing, stat.
This cute print is getting me excited about spending Christmas in MN : )
Want to make these this weekend.
And speaking of potatoes, also these.

*I promise to post more next week, but I probably won't.


  1. sarah7:48 PM

    I make a pumpkin cake with browned butter icing and decorate it with a few glazed walnuts, and the frosting is to delicious for words-make some as soon as you can, you won't regret it. really. yummy. stuff !

  2. Mmmm, I have 2 black bananas in the frig, those potatoes look yummy too! Instagram magnets, cool but Christmas in the snow....priceless⛄❄

  3. Jennifer W.10:17 PM

    NEED the stickygram magnets...great find. Glad I found your blog and anxious to continue to page through.


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