

Spinach Gnocchi

As I've already told you, I'm a huge fan of the Weelicious cookbook.  Huge.
And so is everyone in my family, adults and kids alike.  Especially kids.  I made this Spinach Gnocchi for Jack the other day and he ate it up.  HUGE point for Mama.  Of course, I called them "Green Cheese Balls."  I know, I know, you're not supposed to disguise what they're eating in order to sneak in the healthy stuff.  Listen, when he can vote for the President, I will reveal what the Green Cheese Balls really are.  Until then, HE'S EATING SPINACH!!!  
And so am I, because this recipe is delightful.  Click here for it.  


  1. I want a green cheese ball!

  2. Haha, so sneaky of you. They look so cheesy and good! I think I need to cook them for my spinach-loving fiance :)

  3. I wonder if I could add food coloring so my guy will eat it. Green food coloring is the ONLY green he'll eat. These look SO yummy!

  4. I like green cheese balls... ;- )

  5. Also a big fan of Weelicious! My 14 month old loved the spinach muffins so we definitely need to try this one!


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