

Saveur's Chocolate Chip Cookies

I know, it's Wednesday, and this is my first post this week.  DON'T YELL AT ME!  It's been a particularly busy, crazy, difficult, incredible week.  Yup, all of those things at once, and when a roller coaster of emotions occur in one week, you have to make cookies.  Yeah it's a law.  Subject change...   

You know what I love about blogging?  When I am sent new recipes from you fine people.  A friend/reader emailed me a link to a very specific method for making chocolate chip cookies, and I was instantly fascinated.  I know what you're thinking, how many chocolate chip cookie recipes are you going to bake on this blog??  Well the answer is eleventy infinity two.  I am a preschooler.  

Two things about these cookies:

1. They are the most professional looking cookies I've ever baked.

2. They were time consuming and a mess to make.

But worth it if you have the time.  So what is this very specific method?  Instead of dropping the cookies onto baking sheets, you roll out 3 different rectangles of refrigerated dough, and in between each layer you sprinkle gobs of chopped chocolate.  You use a 2-inch round cutter to form your cookie shapes.  AND you brush the tops with an egg wash for that beautiful golden crust you see above.  Specific, professional, messy, WORTH IT.  

You can find the recipe here.

3 layers...


  1. Whoa. You just took chocolate chip cookies to a whole other level! I MUST try this method!

  2. OMG... I just died, these are amazing!!!

  3. Ho. Ly. Smokes!
    These might need to be made soon! I think I just died a little (but in a good way, not in a "your recipes are so bad they make me die a little inside")

  4. Triple C's are my weakness. Does Carson just come home so excited to see what you've whipped up during the day? I would.

  5. Rough rough must make these!

  6. bettyagnes10:48 PM

    I have NO idea how you had time to make such labor intensive yet DELICIOUS LOOKING cookies, but I'm glad you did! Damn.

    P.S. I love your blog.

  7. my roommate and i are DYING looking at these. in a good way.

  8. I love these cookies, but what I love even more is that you found the recipe in the Star Tribune.

  9. These look just like the cookies I love from City Bakery- so professional looking- I'm intrigued!


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