

Roasted Carrot and Pumpkin Seed Salad

Something happened the other day.  I took an exercise class.

What's that I hear coming from your computer??  Is that MANIC laughter?!  You're not nice.  But it's okay, because I'm laughing about it too.  Actually, that's not true at all, because my body feels broken.  It feels like I've been beaten all over with a tiny hammer.  And by the way, how ridiculous do I sound saying "exercise class" I mean, is it called that?!  I don't even know.  This particular class is called "Body After Baby" and since Baby made this Body bake one billion cookies during pregnancy, I've decided to focus on other foods.  Like seeds.  And carrots.  

(Totally going to make Homemade Baby Ruth bars in a few days also...)

But for real, seeds and carrots are delicious together.  Pumpkin seeds, to be specific, and roasted carrots, with creamy avocado and salty queso fresco.  Here's what I did...   

I took store-bought pumpkin seeds that were unsalted and unroasted and I roasted and salted them.

I drizzled olive oil on sliced carrots, seasoned them with salt and pepper, and roasted them as well (400 degrees for about 15 minutes).

Then I mixed it all together with chopped avocado and crumbled queso fresco.  You could substitute goat cheese or feta as well, and you could certainly serve this over lettuce (in which case I would drizzle some more olive oil on top).  It's really wonderful.  Someone fix my broken body.


  1. oh my god that looks delicious!

  2. Oooh that looks so yummy... I just got back from exercise class and i am hungry !! Maybe I should find a class that's titled "what happened to my waistline"...or " we hate menopause" !!! Lol! Ok I'll go eat something healthy too! But I did see that Baby Ruth's are coming soon!!! Woo Hoo !!!

  3. That sounds so good! I've been eating terribly since we got home from the hospital. Things that I would never dream of eating -- even while I was pregnant -- are somehow being stuffed in my mouth at every turn. I should try to make this so I don't eat the two giant bags of Halloween candy my husband brought home yesterday.

  4. I am SO trying this. It looks delish. Thanks for the recipe. I'm excited!!!


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