

Chasing You Photo

This shot, snapped during my son's 1st birthday party (nearly 2 years ago WHAT?), was taken by my very talented friend, Katy Schneiderman.  I almost feel guilty that she's one of my best friends and therefore gratuitously documents my life on special occasions, such as that party (and that cake).  

So the VERY least I can do for her is introduce you to her professional website, Chasing You Photo.
Go to there, browse her stunning galleries, and then consider her for your next photo need.  
Getting married, popping out cute babies, want a picture of you and your siblings for your parents, having a party, a corporate event, need a head start on your next holiday card, etc, etc???  

For my blog, I wanted to share some of her food photographs.      

Personally, I would love to frame the following series and hang them in my kitchen.  
Or make cute Thanksgiving greeting cards out of them?

So there you have it.  Also check out her blog, please thank you.


  1. LOVE Katy's photos!!

  2. wow she takes amazing photos ! I think my favorite is the dirty gary+clean gary one she took when she was 5 :)

  3. YOU, my friend, make me blush! Thanks to you, your family, your food for being some of my favorites to photograph. Couldn't do it without all of your love and support either!! Everyone says that but it's cause it's true, dammit!! xo


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