

Indianapolis Birthday

I had so much fun in Indy.  Too much fun.  In fact, this dreary, rainy, back-to-reality Tuesday has me a little down.  Until I look at this cake, which instantly cheers me back up.  
Carson had it delivered bright and early Saturday morning, and we all enjoyed it for breakfast.
If you're ever in Indy, go to Circle City Sweets and order one for yourself : )


  1. Happy belated birthday! That cake looks amazing!

  2. And I'll second how GREAT it was! Ate it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, bedtime snack, breakfast, lunch....I hope the leftovers in the room were enjoyed also! It was about 50 pounds of cake :)

  3. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Happy Birthday and thank you for mentioning Circle City Sweets! Best pastry chef in town. Hope you enjoyed your visit to our humble city.


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