

Shells with Crispy Pancetta and Spinach

My friends are popping out babies left and right these days, and if you'll remember I think it's fun to cook food for new mamas. Have you ever been a new mama? Feeding yourself is the last thing on your mind. Sort of kind of. Let me rephrase that... COOKING for yourself is the last thing on your mind. So last week, when my wonderful friend Katy gave birth to her beautiful little Stella Bea (in love), I decided to make her Stuffed Shells.

I used a Giada recipe, found here. The recipe calls for a white sauce, but I added a can of diced tomatoes because I like the acidity and sweetness tomatoes add to cheesy sauces. Besides, back in the day Katy and I were known to hit up an Olive Garden or two, or more, and we ALWAYS asked for a "pink sauce" with our unlimited breadsticks. True story.

crispy pancetta...

ricotta, spinach and pancetta stuffing...

white sauce...

white sauce turned into pink sauce...

ready to bake...

If you make this, tell me how it tastes : )


  1. I cannot wait to put this in my mouth tomorrow when Mama comes. THANK YOU BEST FRIEND!

  2. Talk to me about your spinach/ricotta filling. Do you wilt the leaves first or just mix it all together and let it cook in the shells? How high for how long? You use both sauces? What do I put in those sauces? Why have you chosen to give so little instruction on a recipe for which I want so much instruction??

  3. Kelsey, Kelsey, do not fret. I linked to the recipe in the post and I followed it to a T (other than adding the can of tomatoes). The recipe called for frozen spinach, which I am never ashamed to use. And to clear up any confusion, there was just one sauce, the "white sauce" which I turned INTO the "pink sauce" by adding the tomatoes : )


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