

Kale and Farro Salad

Do you know what farro is? Me neither. It's healthy, that's why I don't know what it is. What's your excuse? I recently discovered it in my July Foodzie Box. Thought it was bird food (the photo of the blue jay on the bag added to my confusion) until I noticed they also included a recipe for a Kale and Farro Salad. Oh! It's for humans!

Well, I made it last night and completely undercooked the farro, however, it was still mighty tasty. I could have eaten the crispy, salty kale all on its own. Something about pairing the bitter green with soy sauce REALLY works.

Here's my modified recipe...

Kale and Farro Salad
(Serves 4)
Printable Recipe

2 T extra virgin olive oil
1 T tamari (or soy sauce)
1/2 tsp sesame oil
1 bunch of kale, ribs and stems removed, chopped
1 cup cooked farro

Preheat the oven to 350. In a large bowl, whisk together the olive oil, tamari and sesame oil. Add the chopped kale and mix with your hands until evenly coated. Place kale on a baking sheet and bake for 10-12 minutes. Add to your cooked farro and toss. Serve warm.

Here's the link I followed to cook my farro. It needs MORE than 30 minutes, if you ask me, which you did.


  1. Lisa R.10:04 AM

    Hey Siri, just read about how someone made "chips" out of kale. sounds yummy and would go with your health kick. AND I would love a tutorial :)

  2. Hi there I have been out of bloggerville for the last week or so..... I hate that there arn't more hours in the day JUST for ME!!! So I had to review all that I had missed. Love the steak tips!! Fun party... Flag cake - wonderful, herb brush I'll be making one soon !!! Fancy camping, so fun... I had to print the cookies, can't wait to try them!!! Also printed the wild rice salad and pomegranate granita. I have been drowning in the kitchen making jam. Hope to see u soon. I remember you already made kale chips...tell Lisa.

  3. Thanks for posting this without the coconut in the original recipe. I also got the foodzie box and wondered what the heck to do with farro. This was perfect, and now I am not afraid of kale anymore.


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