

my girl crush and her cookbook...

*Warning: If I come off slightly stalker-ish in this post, it's very real and someone might want to alert Gwyneth's bodyguards.

Remember this cookbook I was talking about? Well, my better half bought it for me, and even though I'm STILL not crazy about the cover... I'M CRAZY ABOUT THE BOOK. A massive variety of food, from homemade sriracha to homemade root beer floats (I'm talking homemade ROOT BEER people). I'm most excited about the 'Perfect Roasted Chinese Duck' that Mario Batali raves about in the forward. Page 179. Bookmarked, gonna make it. Also going to make, a Lobster Cobb...

...and Turkey Bolognese...

...and Duck Ragu...

Look. It's like me and Jack! We are so alike, Gwyneth, cooking for our baby boys!

Would you like to come over to my house for supper? I will resist the urge to braid your hair, I promise.


  1. I just love reading your blog!!! Thanks for all the great recipes and also for being so hilarious!

  2. OK so I want to know how to make siricha.

  3. She's my girlcrush, too! I expected less from the cookbook and was pleasantly surprised. The Ivy salad sounds really good!

  4. i love your blog, siri, and thanks for plugging my new book and loving my career. I think you're pretty swell, too,

    p.s. oh, the picture associated with this comment is of my new best friend. he can really cook, too.

  5. Kelsey1:24 PM

    ...accept that his name is "Moses"...


I read all of your comments, because I love comments, and I love you.