

Happy Birthday Katy!

I met her when we were freshmen in high school. I wanted her hair, her style, her voice. She taught me about boys. She laughed at my jokes. We both had brothers who forgot to tell us when the other one called. Our moms became best friends. Our younger sisters babysat us in Mexico. We sang duets. At midnight, we ran through the sprinkler in my front yard in our underwear, drinking "Baracidi" and said, "I love you best friend." We knew someday we would both live in California, and our babies would play together. My son is anxiously awaiting the arrival of her daughter. She just turned 30, and she's been chasing it for awhile...

Oh, and she writes a spectacular blog that you must follow if you're not already! Photography, life, fashion, friends, love, weddings, babies, and oftentimes food. Some of my favorites...

Brie and Sun-dried Tomatoes.

Mo's Banana Bread with a PB twist.

Grilled Buffalo Bleu Chicken Salad.


I read all of your comments, because I love comments, and I love you.