

Parmesan Baked Spinach

Thiswassogoodohpleaseyoumusttryit. I stuck my head in the baking dish, which was smaller than my head, and licked it clean. No wonder Smitten Kitchen calls it the BEST baked spinach (click there for recipe). It is! It is! My alterations: I cut the recipe in half (which served 2 only), used parmesan instead of swiss, beef stock, panko, and only 2 T of butter (one for sauteing spinach and one for drizzling atop).

*By the way, I realize it's been awhile since I've come up with my own recipe. I blame crazy busy times. Next week! (Open to ideas...)

one pound of spinach...

shocking in a water bath after a "gentle cook" on the stove...

squeezed dry (one pound turns into that)...


sauteed in butter, beef stock added...

flour and then parmesan...

baking dish, more parmesan and panko...

served with poached eggs, toast and sliced tomatoes...

p.s. In case you're wondering how I cook sometimes with a toddler at my feet, go to here.

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOD, I need to try this right away. I love spinach, but if you add butter, cheese and breadcrumbs it sounds to die for! Love your new header!


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