

Leek Chive Matzo Ball Soup

There are certain foods that seem so incredible and foreign to me, that I find it hard to believe actual humans make them. They taste too good to be true, and the ingredients baffle me. Like what on earth is in phyllo dough and how do they (the robots) make it so paper thin?? And what IS matzo? What is in a matzo ball? Yesterday I decided I would turn into a Super Human and find out.

So I sent my friend Scott an email, and here's how the exchange went...

Me: I'm going to make Matzo Ball Soup tonight. Any suggestions? Not just because you're Jewish, but mostly.
Scott: You're racist. Let me ask my mom. Hold on.

But he didn't get back to me in time, gosh darnit, so I had to turn to my other friend, Internet. I found this recipe which came highly reviewed and sounded divine. That's right, divine. And it was! The matzo balls were the perfect, cloud-like consistency. I changed it up a little bit (see below) and found it was lacking salt but otherwise, I highly recommend it too. Did you know there is ginger ale in matzo balls? And did you know they are easy to make?! Even if you're not a Super Human like me.

melting butter (I couldn't find pareve margarine like the recipe called for)...

finely chopped leeks...

finely chopped chives...

butter, sauteed leeks and chives...

eggs, ginger, salt, pepper, ginger ale and matzo...

combined, then chilled...

chilled balls (I chose to make 12 big ones)...

boiled balls...

strayed from the recipe and added some sauteed carrots...

...and shredded roasted chicken...

also used 8 cups of chicken stock (low-sodium) and 4 cups of water... needed a lot of salt...

*By the way, Scott is a great cook so I'm not 100% racist.


  1. Totally making this tonight. Perfect for this weather. Can you say COMFORT FOOD? I was wondering if you know of a substitute for Leeks? Market was out. BOO!

  2. Hmm, you could probably use a shallot or a green onion!?


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