

Arroz con Pollo


Last night, I made a meal for an army of 23 large men. But only 3 people were at my table (3.5 including my son)... Carson, myself, and my great friend Ingrid. Needless to say, I have leftovers to feed an army of 20 large men.

I have been wanting to make Arroz con Pollo (chicken and rice, you French speakers) for a long time now. It's what I always order at my favorite Mexican restaurant, Casa Escobar. Finally, after meeting Bobby Flay and acquiring his new Throwdown cookbook, I had a recipe! The winning recipe, found here. I highly recommend you try it the next time you're feeding 23 people, or are in the mood for a fridge of leftovers.


Browned chicken...


Rice stewing in chicken stock...


1. Being Ingrid said...

So. Much. Food. It was so yummy!


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