

Corn and Lima Bean Succotash


What? That doesn't sound appetizing? Well it's not for you, it's for your child.

And actually, it's good. Lima beans get a bad rep, but they're tasty! Just like brussel sprouts, and spinach, and Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs.

I've been trying to add some variety to my son's diet. All he wants to eat is avocado, Cheerios, and my Blackberry. Next up for the little one is Pumpkin Pasta Soup. After that, Confetti Orzo. And for YOU, Big Person Reading This Post, I'm going to make Carrot Soup. Adults need to eat too. And so does the Easter Bunny.

Corn and Lima Bean Succotash
Recipe adapted from Cooking For Baby

1 T unsalted butter
1 cup lima beans, fresh or frozen
1 cup corn kernels, fresh or frozen
1/4 tsp paprika
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup vegetable broth

Melt butter in saucepan over medium heat. Add lima beans and corn, season with paprika and salt, and saute for 3-5 minutes.

Add stock, cover and cook until veggies are tender, about 10 minutes.

I then processed the mixture in a Cuisinart ever-so-slightly, because I cannot get over my fear that my one-year-old will choke on even the tiniest bite. Please Lord, send him more teeth.

Mmm, baby food. This was actually sweet, buttery and delicious... I licked the spoon.


1. MamaD said...

While I was making Spinach Smoothies this morning, I gave Sawyer a piece of frozen mango to munch on. He was hitting my leg while the blender was running and it took me a second to realize he was choking! He had swallowed the piece of mango whole and it was lodged in his throat. I couldn't hear him because of the blender... Awful. I was still shaking 10 minutes later. Choking seriously FREAKS me out!

Also, I see you're making Cake Pops! SWEET! I've had them on my to-do list for a while... Looking forward to seeing how yours turn out :-)

2. Siri said...

AHHH! I know I will have a story like that to tell one day and I'm just terrified of it. I'm glad he's okay! Okay moving on... spinach smoothies?! Awesome!

3. MamaD said...

Spinach Smoothies - Here you go...

1 cup Mango Berry Fruit Blend (from Target, has whole strawberries, mango & pineapple chunks)

1 frozen banana (I cut ripe banana's into bite size pieces and freeze them in a small zip lock baggie)

1 cup plain yogurt

Place all above items in blender. Add juice to almost cover the items. I like Juicy Juice Apple Raspberry.

Top with two big handfuls of spinach.

Blend until the spinach is completely combined.

I change up the fruit a lot, but this combo is my favorite.

4. Siri said...



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