

Welcome Carson!

Big news today from the Daly household - Carson is joining the Today Show!!

Remember when I wrote about how my morning has always included this little show?  I am so excited that he is now a permanent part of it.  Little known fact: with all of his jobs and success, he is the hardest working and most dedicated father who spends EVERY spare moment wrestling with Jack and changing Etta's diapers.  Well, when he's not in NY.  In fact, I think she just pooped, could you come back Daddy?  Anyway, we couldn't be prouder over here : )


  1. Congratulations! Will you guys be moving to NY now?

  2. Congrats Carson & fam!! Does this mean you all will move to NYC or split time between NY/CA with The Voice?

  3. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Congratulations! Love watching Carson on The Today Show!

  4. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Congratulations to Carson! Was so excited to hear he was joining the show...he killed it when he was on over the summer!

  5. Anonymous4:45 PM

    He's always been amazing with kids :)
    You are lucky girl, not all husbands are this way :-/ Congratulations Carson!!

  6. Anonymous6:16 AM

    What a perfect fit - he will
    do great!!

  7. Kristin7:09 PM

    I just discovered your blog and love the recipes. I have to laugh at the background detritus in your picture...a bottle of water on the floor, smome toys laying around, a tennis ball (you must have a dog, too?) Anyway, it makes me feel better about my own chaos.


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