

What's your favorite fast food burger?

The other day I drove by a Five Guys burger joint.  It was 10:37 in the morning.  I had been wanting to try this place for a long time, so the fact that most people were still waking up and heading to Starbuck's  at that hour was only a slight problem for me.  Slowly, I drove by and read the door.  It opened at 11am!  That's still pretty early to eat a burger : (

But you're only 38 weeks pregnant a few times in your life, unless you're a Duggar, so I decided to go for it.  I walked in by my lonesome.  This girl below came running towards me, and very joyfully asked me if it was my first time.  "Why yes!" I said, also very joyfully.  Gosh it was a joyful experience.  She helped me order a Little Cheeseburger (one patty) with Grilled Onions, Pickles, Ketchup and Mayo.  Simple.  Oh and a bucket of fries.  And a diet coke, sorry baby.    

By the way, not okay with listing calories on menus.  I mean why, why why why.

Anyway, 560 calories (oh plus the buckets of fries) later, I had ZERO REGRETS.  It was so damn delicious.  Tasted like it was fresh out of a local 1950's diner.  I think my favorite fast food burger yet.  Better than In and Out, better than Fat Burger (Carson said, I've never had).  So I want to know - have you had Five Guys?  What's your favorite fast food burger?  Let's discuss.  


  1. Amy B.8:09 AM

    I agree with you Siri. I just tried my first 5 Guys burger a year ago, and though I only indulge every few months, every time I take a bite I just sigh and think 'where have you been all my life?'

  2. Five Guys is up there (plus I love munching on the peanuts while waiting for my order), but I think the Shake Shack wins for me.

  3. My favorite burgers are at Burgerville. It's fast food but they've got an awesome seasonal menu with a ton of local ingredients. But they're only in Oregon and Washington so you'll have to come north for a visit.

  4. Jessen8:37 AM

    When I lived in Florida (6 Years Ago) Bev's Better Burger Joint was my Favorite. I never had Five Guys, but I know many that Rave About it.

  5. It's delicious and I love it. End of story!

  6. Boo for posting the caloric intake of a greasy hamburger. Can't we eat it in bliss? I'm really not a "burger" person; however, Five Guys is awesome...but I think its because I love all the toppings.

  7. being from the DC area where the franchise originated, I totally agree! :)

  8. In-N-Out Double Double, no tomato, grilled onions.

  9. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Five Guys is FAB. In-N-Out is most disappointing, tasteless burger I've ever had. What a waste of calories. Will never eat one of those again...

  10. We did it...amazing!!!

  11. Hands down Bare Burger in New York!I heart the Maui Wowie Beef Burger(smoked mozzarella, pineapple, canadian bacon, fried onions, roasted red peppers and ranch dressing) Washed it down with yummy onion rings and Crabbies Ginger Beer (contains alcohol) which was so darn awesome. I should mention that these are literally GOOD burgers. Everything is organic/all-natural/free range!!

  12. I love love love five guys!!

  13. Five Guys is my favorite! Hands down. There's just something hearty and hamburgery about FG's. My whole family disagrees. While they like Five Guys, they think In N' Out is better. No way I say. Burgers AND fries are better at Five Guys. Wait, I think I just created a tag line.

  14. Five Guys is my favorite! Hands down. There's just something hearty and hamburgery about FG's. My whole family disagrees. While they like Five Guys, they think In N' Out is better. No way I say. Burgers AND fries are better at Five Guys. Wait, I think I just created a tag line.

  15. Love Five Guys! The nearest one is over 2 hours away...always stop there when I'm in town to root for my Sooners!

  16. Five guys is by far the best fast food burger EVER!! And the kicker is they have great fries too :)

  17. Never had a 5 guys I googled and there is one close to home!!! Our current fave is The Habit for burgers.

  18. Anonymous7:05 PM

    We had Five Guys for the first time last summer in D.C. I do not care for hamburgers (childhood trauma, I tell my mother) but I was starving and husband and son REALLY wanted to try it. Omg. Yum times a million. About a month later one opened up about 45 miles from where we live. We visit it often, but I'm thankful that it's not close enough that I'd drive there every day or anything. I don't ever get fries or deep fried stuff when we eat out, but the Five Guys fries I will stuff myself with til the point of bursting. It has been a few weeks, maybe I need to take a drive this week...

  19. Anonymous9:02 PM

    NO WAY! In N Out is WAY better. Am I the only one who thinks Five Guys is overrated?

  20. Five Guys is also a winner for me, but it’s tied with my favorite Bacon Deluxe Double. The traditional Bacon Deluxe Double has two square patties, topped with 4 strips of bacon, cheese, and vegetables. And even though it has a lot of ingredients in play, it still looks simple and traditional, which is all good to me.

  21. If you ask me what my favorite burger is, I'll tell you with confidence that it is the TLC burger. I mean, the combination of tomato, lettuce, and cheese is incomparable. The freshness of lettuce and tomato just complements the saltiness of the cheese. That combination’s quite flavorful, you know.


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