

Bump Cravings 2.0

This picture is now 2 weeks old, so use your imagination.  

As we're nearing the end, and I'm cooking less and less, I thought I'd share with you some of my pregnancy cravings this time around.  To be honest, there wasn't a ton I wouldn't eat.  With my firstborn, I was terribly turned off by chicken and fish and coffee (even decaf).  But baby girl, she ate anything and everything.  Here were the foods I craved the most...


...mostly peaches and nectarines and bananas.  A banana every, single morning.

Orange Juice

...mainly at night, before bed, I crave a big TALL glass (image).  


...this should come at no surprise to you.  My blog has been saturated with baking, and rarely without chocolate.  I probably shouldn't tell you this, but I think I'm going to tell you this... sometimes I melt chocolate just to lick the spoon.  And then I become horrified with my actions and throw the bowl into the sink, covering it with dish soap as fast as I can.

Applesauce and Cottage Cheese

...this one's weird, I know.  Something about being pregnant makes me nostalgic for foods I loved as a kid, like cans of black olives and applesauce mixed with cottage cheese.  I know it doesn't look appetizing, in fact Carson makes me eat it far, far away from him.  But it's delicious, trust me.


...holy, moly, guacamole!  Something healthy!  At restaurants, if there's a choice of side, I've been choosing broccoli.  Steamed, with butter and salt.  Mmmm (image).


...I would eat one every morning if I wasn't afraid of my ass becoming one.  

SO, are you pregnant?  Have you been pregnant?  What did you crave?


  1. when i was pregnant with my daughter i ate a fried egg with a slice of toast every day. It's so funny what we crave. :) tfs

  2. sarah4:27 PM

    with my last one i was obsessed with spinach pies-plain,no cheese. oh and white grapefruit and tomato anything!!

  3. You still look cute! I'm amazed at how big I'm getting every day.

    Applesauce and cottage cheese actually sounds delicious! I'm with you on the bagels and I've been eating several apples a day.

  4. Anonymous6:17 PM

    3 boys first and I ate anything and everything!!!! A little girl 6 years after the last boy and I could hardly even look at meat let alone eat it! I LIVED on pineapple and lemons!!!
    Good luck with delivery! You look awesome!!!

  5. I craved spicy food. I was lucky that I had no morning sickness; however, I craved very strong, spicy food. I guess my tastebuds were on over drive.

    Oh, and strawberry milkshakes.

    You look beautiful!

  6. When I was pregnant with my son I desperately craved, and drank, my first Coke. The second he was born, I went back to loathing the taste of cola (and any other brown soda). Little nuggets have a way of messing with your taster. :)

  7. You look great!

    I craved Strawberry milkshakes with my first daughter and then cheese, cheese and more cheese with my second!

  8. I craved butterburgers and fries from a fast food chain here in Wisconsin called Culver's. I would sometimes swing through the drivethru for BREAKFAST. In case you are wondering what a butterburger is, it is just a regular burger but they butter the bun and toast it on the grill. is a miracle my baby didn't come out looking like the hamburgular.

  9. When pregnant with my daughter it was corn on the cob popcorn.....I ate it every morning around 10:00....EVERY. MORNING. With my son I just wanted jalapeños....on everything!

  10. The photo of cottage cheese with applesauce made me smile :) This one skipped a generation...your grandmother Etta loved it...not me.

  11. No cravings with R. But I couldn't even look at chicken for 10 months.

  12. Lisa M.8:23 AM

    Pregnant with my son I craved Hot Sauce - Buffalo Wing Sauce - I couldn't get enough. I put Tobasco on everything.
    Now as a 15 month old he loves red pepper in his eggs - and spices!

  13. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I craved lemons in anything and everything and it had to be just right - not too tart and definitely not too sweet. I could not stand the sight, taste or smell of chicken during my pregnancy.

  14. Close to the end of my pregnancys I always craved cottage cheese with fresh fruit on top....

  15. Anonymous7:58 PM

    My first pregnancy I craved mushroom and swiss burgers (never a mushroom fan before) my second I craved anything and everything with onions.

    You look amazing. Hope the princess arrives soon.

  16. With my first born (boy), I craved carbs, especially bread, specifically COBS cheesymite buns, couldn't stand the smell of coffee or peaches/nectarines/apricots (still cannot eat peaches). With my middle (girl), I craved sweet (esp. ice cream)and loved coffee,eggs but not tea. With my last (girl), I ate everything, sweet/salty, coffee, but no tea.

  17. Siri, you look amazing! I had to have peanut butter toast every morning or I would puke - I believe you witnessed the urgency of this in Palm Springs last year. Banana bread, molasses cookies and absolutely NO buffalo chicken, grossed me out to no end!

  18. Bonnie5:39 PM

    When I was pregnant with my son, who is my first born, I had a serious aversion to chicken...of any kind. I loved peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and big bowls of Cheerios. I should have purchased stock I ate so much. With my daughter, no aversions, but a craving for milkshakes and anything sweet. It was delightful!

  19. I have to comment because I always thought I was the only person in the world to eat applesauce and cottage cheese. It was a common snack for me growing up and still the only thing I want to eat when I have stomach upsets.

    Also my boyfriend is completely grossed out and refuses to be in the room when I'm eating it

  20. love your blog! I'm currently 7 months pregnant. I have been craving cottage cheese, too.(but, without the olives and applesauce). I've also been craving Hot Tamales (the candy), which I balance out with peaches. :)


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