

Pepperoni Pizza Monkey Bread

I blame all of you for this nonsense.  When I posted about Monkey Bread the other day, all y'all had to bring up the savory kind... the pizza kind... the cheesy, buttery, garlicky kind.  You knew what would happen.  You knew I would run, literally run, like a pregnant Olympian (no) to the store for mozzarella.  Well I did, and I made it, and I blame you if this baby comes out with pepperoni for eyeballs.

I used this recipe but I think next time I would go for shredded mozzarella instead of sliced (too much on top) and real garlic in addition to the garlic salt.  Because I'm nasty.  


  1. Yea, Yea, Yea, I knew you would do it !!!!!! Gosh I wish I was in your kitchen....yummy

  2. Siri - I think I might have to make it this weekend. All I feel like eating right now is pizza! Why can't I crave broccoli instead?!

  3. I am one Siri recipe away from a moo-moo. You are killing me over here. I can't wait to try this...sigh

  4. I am one Siri recipe away from a moo-moo. You are killing me over here. I can't wait to try this...sigh

  5. WUT. I have made Monkey Bread, but never even THOUGHT of making it savory. Dammit.

    PS - I'm thinking about making Tater Tot Hot Dish for my Brooklyn-Born husband and our children soon. It will be their first time having it. Please: Talk me out of it.

  6. Angie7:12 AM

    Okay, this is probably the dumbest question ever, but is there a certain pattern I am supposed to place the quartered biscuit pieces?

  7. Angie - there's no rhyme or reason - whatever works!


I read all of your comments, because I love comments, and I love you.