

Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip Trolls

If you're wondering if this is turning into a baking blog well, it's not.  But I'm 7 months pregnant and I want to eat pancakes at two in the morning and the thought of preparing a nice broccoli salad for you people is quite frankly a nonexistent thought in my brain.  We'll get back there someday.

For now, I'm finding inspiration to bake everywhere.  When a friend of mine posted these "troll" cookies on her Instagram, I instantly stalked her for the recipe.  It turned out they are another friend's famous recipe and a THIRD friend kindly posted the recipe on her blog.  Go to here and make them.  They might be the best peanut butter cookie I've ever had.  

That little hand belongs to a fan of my recent baking bonanza...  

p.s. I do not know why they are called "troll" cookies but if I find out, I will get back to you.  


  1. Oh! These look so-o-o-o Good, Siri!

    Please don't ever go back to the "broccoli salad" stuff. We can always look in the refrigerator for that if we have to.

    And as usual - Excellent, mouth watering pictures.

    Have a Great Day!

    - Frank

  2. Siri these look A-MA-ZING! I have a question for you. Do you use some kind of scooper for your cookies? Those balls look so perfectly uniform! If so, what size and where did you get it? Also, I made the Broccoli Parmesan Fritters and they were fab!

  3. Peanut butter and chocolate are one of my favorite flavor combinations!

  4. I'm with you on the 2am pancakes. I saw a show where a restaurant layered pulled pork between three layers of pancakes and told my husband that I needed him to make that for me -- so yeah, not my proudest moment.

  5. Tara - yes I use an ice cream scooper that I bought at Williams-Sonoma and LOVE it.

  6. They look AMAZING! Liz blogged about the trolls this week too! Looks like we all have peanut butter and chocolate on the mind:

    You might even find out where the name came from:)


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