

Old Fashioned Banana Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting

 I had a revelation this weekend.  I own a cake stand, and what on Earth is the point of owning one if you don't always keep a cake in it??

New rule of life: Cake stands are for cake, at all times, period.

Like this Old Fashioned Banana Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting.  When I saw it on her blog, I knew it had to be good, but when I discovered it was Ina's recipe, that sealed the deal.  And it's superb, my friends.  Perfectly moist, full of banana flavor with a lovely hint of orange from the zest, smothered in the best kind of frosting ever.  All I did differently was use 8oz. of cream cheese and a full stick of butter in the frosting.  Oh and I practically had to restrain myself to keep from adding mini chocolate chips.  Just once, I told myself, make something without chocolate.  It doesn't need it, however, I wouldn't be mad if you added them and sent me a piece.    



  1. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Yummy!! It looks so moist!

  2. Definitely going to check this out! Love me some banana cake and cream cheese frosting, but I've only ever used the Better Homes & Gardens cookbook recipe. Definitely not moist.

  3. Yes, you always need to keep that cake stand occupied.

  4. Looks soooo delicious!

  5. looks super good. i think that cake stand turns into a punch bowl, yes?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I am just willing myself NOT to make this cake!!

  8. My husband is running a half marathon this Sunday and I wanted to make this for him as a "you did it!" surprise. (I'll probably somehow muster up the strength to eat a slice myself. It's hard work doing all that screaming and cheering). Your cake has 2 layers but Ina's recipe calls for using only 1 round cake pan. Did you double the recipe? And if so, I need to get more bananas!! Thanks for your help.

  9. Lauren - funny, I didn't even realize it called for only one pan! So no, I didn't double the recipe - I just poured it into 2 pans. But I did make more frosting than the recipe called for (1 full stick of butter and 8oz. of cream cheese). Good luck to your husband!


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