

Homemade Nutella

It took me awhile to jump on the Nutella bandwagon.  Not because I had an aversion to it, but because I didn't know it existed for most of my life.  It wasn't until college that I discovered it, around the same time I discovered Bacardi Limon.  Ah, those were magical times.  By the way, I just threw up a little bit remembering Bacardi Limon, let's never talk about that again, ok?

Back to Nutella.  I would spread it on graham crackers.  I would eat it by the spoonful.  I would love it, like, romantically.  And then we broke up.  Because my 'freshmen 15' was turning into a higher number.  

Anyway, enough about Bacardi Limon WHO BROUGHT THAT UP AGAIN?!  I recently came across this recipe for Homemade Nutella and I decided I should relive the past by making it.  SO WORTH IT.  All the wonderful rich flavor of Nutella with all the earthiness of a homemade Chocolate Hazelnut Spread.  I used nonfat powdered milk (because it's all I could find) and I skipped the honey (because I was too lazy to watch it slowly drip from the bottle).  Delicious.  And SIMPLE.    

toasted nuts...

whole milk and powdered milk...

milk chocolate and bittersweet...

ready for blending... 

grinding nuts (I used my Vitamix)...

chocolate and hazelnuts...


*after refrigerating for a few hours, spread will thicken to the perfect consistency...


  1. OMG this just made my day :) It would be a nice guest gift as well! xo

  2. OH my get in my belly and now I am having traumatic flash backs involving bacardi limon...we thought we were so high class!!

  3. Anonymous10:31 AM

    OMG! I am definitely going to try this. My kids love nutella but I'm not crazy about the amount of sugar in it. Thank-you.

  4. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Just happened upon your blog !! Blogs are new to me , other than my
    Sister has a knitting blog :( .... Im usually reading books or cooking !! How do you
    Follow all those blogs ??????? I'd love to
    Know .. Thanks

  5. Wow. Yup. I'm on board. Not with puking though. BTW I love how they advertise Nutella with a straight face that it's a 'healthy, wholesome' start to your kids day when spread over whole wheat bread. I don't care if you feed it to your kids on toast, but let's not pretend it's up there with carrot smoothies or egg white frittatas health-wise.

  6. MMMMMMMMMMM. I broke up with "nutella" a bought the much cheaper Aldi version last week. (tastes just as good) I'll def give this a try!!!


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