

French Toast Muffins

For breakfast - are you savory or sweet?  I'm usually savory and I don't stray far from the following order: scrambled eggs, bagel, sliced tomatoes and bacon, well done please.  Servers HATE when you say "well done please" but I'm sorry, I have to say it.  There is nothing worse than fatty bacon.  IN LIFE!  Anyway, occasionally I have a craving for pancakes or french toast.  Like, now, when I'm almost 6 months pregnant.  And when my friend sent me a link for French Toast Muffins, I was sold. 

My favorite part of this recipe is the cinnamon raisin toast that is cubed, soaked in egg and milk and placed a top each muffin.  And then AFTER baking, you dip those tops in melted butter and cinnamon sugar.  Duh.  You could even sprinkle some maple syrup on top, but I thought the teaspoon of maple extract in the wet ingredients gave them more than enough of the familiar flavor.   

These muffins would be the perfect thing to make your mama this Sunday (that's right fellas, THIS SUNDAY).  So go to this recipe, and check out my friend Katy's blog in a few days for more Mother's Day Brunch ideas (she is also responsible for lovely photo above).  

wet ingredients, dry ingredients...

topped with french toast topping...

baked and ready for butter and cinnamon sugar...


  1. I'm definitely a savory breakfast person but I could definitely get behind these French toast muffins!

  2. I need these in my life. :) Couldn't agree more about Bacon, CRISPY/WELL DONE or bust!

  3. Those look amazing! I love breakfast, but rarely have time to make it. I definitely want to try these when things slow down a bit in the summer!

  4. Janice1:05 PM

    Yummm as I proceed to drool. And your right on about the bacon...crispy or no go.

  5. Anonymous5:29 PM

    I think you could put the (crispy) bacon right in these muffins.... Sweet and savory! Problem solved!

  6. I will definitely make these! Well sort of. . .not a big muffin person.Going to use a cake pan and sprinkle bacon and maple syrup on top of the finished muffin cake. (I don't have maple extract - If I can't find it I will go the maple syrup route.)

    I was super psyched to see this recipe in my inbox. Thank you!!!

  7. I adore these! I have got to try this recipe. And PS- I am always a "well-done please" girl. You just have to.

  8. What?!?!?!?! You're pregnant? Am I the worst friend you've never met? I haven't been able to get to my fave blogs as often as I'd like and this happens. Congratulations! So happy for you guys:) And these look amazeballs.

  9. These look awesome!

  10. there's a place near me on larchmont that makes "bread pudding muffins." these sound like a good way to break me of my addicition.


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