

Giveaway Winner

I had Chick-fil-A for the first time ever last night.  A chicken sandwich, a few nuggets and some waffle fries.  I inhaled it all so fast I had trouble breathing for hours after.  Sexy.  Moving on...  

The winner of my Milk Bar Compost Cookie Giveaway is... Gretchen!  

Mom, before you go jumping up and down, you're not the Gretchen I'm referring to, I'm referring to the Gretchen who left the following comment...

"you can pick your friends and you can pick your noise but you can't pick your friend's noise"

Wise words, Not Mom Gretchen (please email me to collect your winnings).  But do you mean nose or noise, I wonder?  

Thank you to everyone who entered, there will be more!!  Have happy weekends : )


  1. I love Chick-Fil-A! It is huge here in the South, but of course it is. It is fried chicken! haha I may just have to go for lunch today...

  2. Chick-fil-a is my favorite fast food place! I could eat it every day!

  3. Hilarious! I'm going to WS to buy cookie mix and want a chick-fil-a ASAP!

  4. Winner! Winner! Chicken dinner! I totes typo'd on the nose spelling, oopsie. I almost missed my bus home from work that day and ran like two blocks to catch it after getting sidetracked on your blog. Best. Blog. Ever.

  5. Ah, darn. That other Gretchen is on top of things. I thought if MAYBE she didn't respond, the Mom Gretchen would win by default :)

  6. LOL...dang, now I'll have to make them from scratch.


I read all of your comments, because I love comments, and I love you.